Associate in Arts - Interior Architectural Design II

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Associate in Arts - Interior Architectural Design II

  • Course description LEVEL II – Interior Architectural Design II – LEVEL II:
    This program leads to employment skills in the selection
    and specification of contact and residential surface materials
    and furniture. Expertise is developed in advanced perspective
    sketching and visualization, architecture and furniture styles,
    advanced computer-aided design together with a choice of
    significant academic- and professional career-focused electives:
    business skills in the wholesale Trade, green design, model
    building, lighting, marker techniques, interior codes, universal
    design, custom residential design, technical CAD courses in
    space planning, working drawings, commercial design, 3D
    CAD molding, and interior 3D computer rendering/animation,
    plus practical internship positions in the industry. A Design
    Certificate is awarded in Interior Architectural Design II. In
    addition, a student may also be eligible for the Associate in Arts
    degree upon completion of Level I, Level II, and specific degree
    requirements. See for the Associate in
    Arts degree
    general education requirements.
    Students are encouraged to take as many recommended
    electives as possible, to learn specific and necessary skills for
    the development of their professional portfolios, and to bring
    employment value in their future design industry career position.

    Level II
    Course No./Course name (Prerequisites) Units
    INTARC 38, Advanced Computer Aided Design/Drafting (Prerequisite: INTARC 32, 35, or Equivalent) (3)
    INTARC 41, History of Interior Architecture and Furniture I or
    INTARC 60, Contemporary Furniture or INTARC 66, Visual History of American Housing (3)
    INTARC 42, History of Interior Architecture and Furnishings II or INTARC 60, Contemporary Furniture or INTARC 66, Visual History of American Housing 3
    INTARC 51, Rapid Visualization (Prerequisite: INTARC 28 orEquivalent) (3)
    INTARC, Recommended INTARC elective (3)
    INTARC, Recommended INTARC elective (3)
    Recommended Electives for Professional Skills
    Course No./Course name (Prerequisites) Units
    INTARC 37, Set Design and Art Direction for Film and TV (3)
    INTARC 39, Green Design for Interiors (3)
    INTARC 40, CAD Space Planning (Prerequisite: INTARC 32) (3)
    INTARC 44, Fundamentals of Lighting (Prerequisite: INTARC 30 and 32 or Equivalent) (3)
    INTARC 45, CAD Commercial Design (Prerequisite: INTARC 34 and 40 or Equivalent) (3)
    INTARC 46, CAD Working Drawings (Prerequisite: INTARC 32, 35, 38, or Equivalent) (3)
    INTARC 47, Business and Professional Practice (Prerequisite:
    INTARC 33 or Equivalent) (3)
    INTARC 49, Trade Resources for Film and TV (3)
    INTARC 50, Code and Specifications (3)
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