Course descriptionThe Associate of Arts in Music (Applied) provides
the freshman and sophomore level courses
required by most colleges and universities for
a Bachelor’s of Music. Although many of the
basic courses are the same, students planning
on transferring to a four-year institution should
contact their chosen school for degree and
transfer requirements during the beginning of
their first year of instruction.
There are three possible outcomes assessments
available to those seeking a Music (Applied)
degree. One of the three assessments must
be chosen during the first semester of the
sophomore year in preparation for the work
during the final semester. The three possible
assessment projects in music are:
1. Performance recital of at least 1/2 hour of
music approved by applied music instructor,
with a written critique by faculty and a nondepartmental
2. A lengthy scholarly paper and classroom
presentation on a music theory or music history
topic, chosen by the advisor. The paper will
receive a written critique by faculty and a nondepartmental
3. A written musical composition, for solo
instrument or duet of at least 20 minutes in
length or a 5-10 minute large ensemble work,
to be presented at a student recital. The
composition will receive a written critique by
faculty and a non-departmental individual.
Students must complete all program
requirements, including approved electives, with
a grade of “C” or better.