B.A. in Anthropology

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B.A. in Anthropology

  • Course description  Anthropology is the holistic study of humankind, embracing cultural diversity, human origins, linguistics, and the application of knowledge to current social problems. Those completing the anthropology major demonstrate the ability to:

        * define and discuss the differences between the biological and the cultural aspects of humankind and the interdependence of these two areas
        * conduct literature research and engage in scholarly writing that is logically cohesive and properly documented
        * explain the concept of cultural relativity and discuss the implications for intercultural relations
        * distinguish arguments or positions based on sound data and logically reasoned, from those which lack sound supporting data and/or rest on questionable assumptions.

    They must have:

        * knowledge and experience in the fundamentals of empirical research, including anthropological methods and techniques of gathering data, data analysis, and the writing of a research report
        * familiarity with a variety of topical, regional and applied fields of inquiry
        * preparedness for graduate programs in the field of anthropology and in related multicultural and international fields.

    The goals include introducing students to the different career choices in the academic world and in international business.

    Anthropological requirements for the major include successful completion of six core courses: Introduction to Anthropology, Research Methodology, Anthropological Theory, Physical Anthropology, Statistical Methods, and Linguistic Anthropology or Introduction to Archaeology; plus completion of five other courses in anthropology, two of which must be applied courses; and an oral comprehensive examination, with a C or better in all courses. In addition, anthropology majors must participate in at least one overseas study experience during their time at Eckerd College, ideally in a non-Western culture. Exceptions can be made only after consultation with the anthropology faculty.

    Sequencing: Introduction to Anthropology in the Freshman year or as the foundation course on which the succeeding courses are built, and all other anthropology courses, with the exception of Anthropological Research Methodology and Anthropological Theory, which are taken in the Junior or Senior year.

    Requirements for the minor are Introduction to Anthropology, and any additional four courses in anthropology.
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