History major is 30 credits or 10 courses in history. The courses required for the major now must include:
- History 1040 or 1050 (Themes in Pre-Modern World History [HIS 1040] or Themes in Modern World History [HIS 1050])
- Either HIS 2000, Investigating US History I, or HIS 2001. Investigating US History II;
- at least one junior research seminar;
- History 5501 (Seminar in Historical Methodology) or History 5515 (Independent Research);
at least six additional history courses of the student’s choice.
The following courses may also be taken for credit toward the History major or minor as history electives:
- AAH 1101, History of Western Art: Ancient to Medieval
- AAH 1102, History of Western Art: Renaissance to Contemporary World
New AP Credit Policy (The new policy will take effect in Fall 2007 for the incoming Class of 2011):
- History credit will be given for scores of 4 or 5 on any exam – in U.S., European, or World History. A score of 3 on the world history exam will entitle the student to placement out of 1050. Scores of 3 on the US or European exams receive neither credit nor placement.
- AP World History – with score of 4 or 5 on exam: 6 credits for History 1040 and 1050: i.e. 3 history credits and 3 free elective credits. This means that the student will still need to take an upper-level history course to fulfill the core requirement.
- AP US History – with score of 4 or 5 on exam, 6 history credits for History 2000 and 2001; student must still take History 1040 or 1050.
- AP European History – with score of 4 or 5 on exam, 6 history credits (History 3095 and 3995, to be accepted as history electives (for upper-level core requirement and for history major requirement); student must still take History 1040 or 1050.
- Students with both AP US History and AP European History: with scores of 4 and 5, 12 history credits: upper level history requirement fulfilled, along with three other history courses; but student still needs to take 1040 or 1050.