Total Credit Hours: 128
Major Credit Hours: 40
I. Core Courses (28)
13-200 Calculus I (4)
13-201 Calculus II (4)
13-250 Calculus III (4)
13-275 Linear Algebra (4)
13-360 Advanced Calculus I (4)
13-440 Abstract Algebra I (4)
13-361 Advanced Calculus II (4)
13-441 Abstract Algebra II (4)
II. Select three electives from the following courses: (12)
13-210 Discrete Mathematics (4)
13-300 Differential Equations (4)
13-315 Probability and Statistics (4)
13-320 Theories of Geometry (4)
13-330 History of Mathematics (4)
13-350 Numerical Analysis (4)
13-361 Advanced Calculus II (4)
13-430 Complex Variables (4)
13-441 Abstract Algebra II (4)
III. The advanced writing requirement for
Mathematics majors is satisfied by completing either a full year of Advanced Calculus (13-360 and 13-361) or a full year of Abstract Algebra (13-440 and 13-441).