B.A. in Studio Art

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B.A. in Studio Art

  • Course description Requirements for the Major in Studio Art

    A major in studio art requires 11 courses. This includes eight (8) Studio Art courses, two (2) Art History courses and Art 199, Senior Projects in Art. Students majoring in studio art should work toward competence in three different media, with excellence in one. Students are required to take a total of eight (8) courses involving no fewer than three media. Since a broad knowledge of art history will be essential, no less than two art history courses are required. This is especially important to the study of art, as humans have a 30,000 year history of recorded art making. As many of our art students go on to graduate school in art, it is essential they be knowledgeable and conversant in areas of art history. Students interested in pursuing a graduate-level degree in studio art are
    encouraged to enroll in no less than four (4) art history courses. This is the number of undergraduate art history classes required by most master of fine art programs at graduate universities. Students are encouraged, through cooperation with Pomona and Scripps Colleges to undertake additional courses, including art history.

    A series of solo or group exhibitions (to be determined by the faculty member teaching the class) in a major medium will be required as part of the coursework for Art 199. This course is taken in the last semester of the senior year, to complete the studio art major. The exhibitions may vary in duration depending on whether they are solo or group and involve the creation, installation and de-installation of the artwork, preparation and restoration of gallery space, design, production and distribution of announcements, along with a reception open to the Pitzer community and the public. Some of these exhibitions may be juried by outside arts professionals.

    There are four exhibition spaces to accommodate these exhibitions. The Salathé Gallery, located in the lower level of McConnell Center, functions as a classroom lab and a gallery and is administered by members of the art faculty. The Nichols Gallery, located in Broad Center, is a spacious gallery that lends itself to large-scale painting, sculpture and performance activity. The Hinshaw Gallery, is an intimate domestic space located in the Grove House and is administered by the Grove House Committee. The Circle Gallery, located in the Gold Student Center, is a medium sized gallery that can accommodate freestanding and pedestal-based objects, as well as two-dimensional work. The newly opened Lenzner Gallery, is appropriate for works in all mediums and is particularly suitable for film and video.

    Minor in Studio Art requires 6 graded courses, 5 in studio art and 1 in art history.

    Combined Major in studio art requires 10 courses, which allows for a reduction of one (1) studio art class in the major. Art students are encouraged to consider combined and full majors with other disciplines. Recent combined and full majors include art and Environmental Studies, art and anthropology, art and Media Studies, art and art history and art and psychology, among others.
    Students in the studio art and art history majors will be encouraged to enroll in no less than one semester of study abroad, usually during the junior year. Such study may be taken through one of Pitzer’s many study abroad programs. No honors program is available in the studio art major.
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