Bachelor en History

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Bachelor en History

  • Objectives The Department of History's mission is to cultivate the critical understanding of the past and to develop intellectual, analytical, writing, and rhetorical abilities. Through diverse curricular offerings, students are exposed to the richness, diversity, and complexities of human history during various periods and in different geographic regions, with attention to critical issues such as ethnicity, class, and gender. The capstone experience for the History major, is the senior research and honors seminars, where students write substantial research papers on original topics of their own choosing.
  • Course description What can you do with a major in History? You can be an educator, researcher, communicator or editor, information manager, advocate, or even a businessperson.

    Historians as Educators Elementary Schools
    Secondary Schools
    Postsecondary Education
    Historic Sites and Museums 
    Historians as ResearchersMuseums and Historical Organizations
    Cultural Resources Management 
    Historic Preservation
    Think Tanks
    Historians As CommunicatorsWriters and Editors
    Documentary Editors
    Producers of Multimedia Material
    Historians As Information Managers Archivists
    Records Managers
    Librarians Information Managers Historians As Advocates Lawyers and Paralegals
    Litigation Support
    Legislative Staff Work
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