Bachelor in Science in Electrical Engineering

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Bachelor in Science in Electrical Engineering

  • Course description The undergraduate curriculum allows Electrical Engineering majors to specialize in one of three emphasis areas or options. The three options are structured as an Electrical Engineering degree and the only degree offered by the Electrical Engineering Department to undergraduates is the Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering. No distinction is made among the three options.

    The Electrical Engineering (EE) option is the regular option providing students with preparation in electrical engineering with a range of required and elective courses across several disciplines.

    Preparation for the Major

    Chemistry and Biochemistry 20A; Computer Science 31, 32; Electrical Engineering 1, 2, 3, 10, M16 (or Computer Science M51A); Mathematics 31A, 31B, 32A, 32B, 33A, 33B; Physics 1A, 1B, 4AL, 4BL.

    The Major

    Electrical Engineering 101, 102, 103, 110, 110L, 113, 115A, 115AL, 121B, 131A, 132A, 141, 161, Mathematics 132, Statistics 105; three breadth courses (12 units) selected from an approved list available in the HSSEAS Office of Academic and Student Affairs; and three major field elective courses (12 units), one design course (4 units), and one laboratory course (2 to 4 units) selected from one of the following pathways:

        * Antennas and Microwaves:

          Three major field elective courses from Electrical Engineering 162A, 163A, and 163B or 163C; one design course from 164D or 184D; and one laboratory course from 164L (or by petition from 194 or 199)
        * Integrated Circuits:

          Three major field elective courses from Electrical Engineering 115B, 115C, and M116C; one design course from 115D or 184D; and one laboratory course from 115BL (or by petition from 194 or 199)
        * Microelectromechanical (MEMS) Systems:

          Three major field elective courses from Electrical Engineering 115B or 123A or 124, CM150, and 163A or 173; one design course from 129D; and one laboratory course from 122L or CM150L (or by petition from 194 or 199).
        * Photonics and Plasma Electronics:

          Three major field elective courses from Electrical Engineering 172, 173, and 174 or 175 or M185; one design course from 173D; and one laboratory course from 172L (or by petition from 194 or 199)
        * Signals and Systems:

          Three major field elective courses from Electrical Engineering 114, 115B, 115C, 131B, 132B, 136, 142, 162A; one design course from 113D or 173D, 180D, or 184D; and one laboratory course from 115BL or M116L or M171L (or by petition from 194 or 199)
        * Solid State:

          Three major field elective courses from Electrical Engineering 123A, 123B, and 124; one design course from 129D; and one laboratory course from 122L (or by petition from 194 or 199)

    Policy regarding EE194 and EE199 courses

    This policy applies to all majors (electrical engineering, biomedical engineering, and computer engineering). Upon approval by the department advisor, students may use one EE194 or one EE199 (minimum 2 units and maximum 4 units) to satisfy degree requirements. The EE194 or EE199 units used in this way are only allowed to replace the laboratory course requirement within the student's selected pathway as described above. The theme of the EE194 or EE199 work must be related to the student's pathway. Additional EE194s and 199s will not satisfy any other degree requirement. At most one EE194 or EE199 course will be included in the Major Field GPA. The grade for the EE194 or EE199 course used to satisfy a degree requirement must be included in the Major Field GPA.
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