Bachelor of Arts in American Literature and Culture

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Bachelor of Arts in American Literature and Culture

  • Objectives Apart from the inherent rewards of studying literature, a degree in English or American Literature & Culture offers intensive training in skills essential in the modern job market, training that is rarely offered by other fields of study. The major also aspires to nurture the kinds of thoughtfulness essential for an intelligent, diverse, and harmonious society, a society that appreciates traditions without following them blindly. The reading and writing in the major:

    • Develops the ability to think critically and creatively, and to express ideas clearly and forcefully.

    • Provides a detailed knowledge of several cultural traditions.

    • Offers exposure to many related areas of study, including history, psychology, philosophy, linguistics, sociology, art history, and religious studies.

    • Prepares students for graduate and professional work in a wide variety of fields.
  • Course description Preparatory Coursework (the Prep)

     * English Composition 3: English Composition, Rhetoric, and Language
    This is an introductory course focusing on fundamental writing skills. It is administered by UCLA Writing Programs, located in 146 Humanities. If you received a score of 4 or 5 on either of the Composition & Literature or Language & Composition AP tests or scored 5-7 in the Language-English (native) IB exam, then you will receive credit for English Composition 3 and 8 units toward graduation.
    * English 4W/4HW: Critical Reading and Writing
     This course introduces students to literary analysis, through close reading and written exposition on selected literary works.
      * English 10A: English Literature to 1660
          English 10B: English Literature, 1660-1832
          English 10C: English Literature, 1832-present
    The English 10 Series is a foundation for your study of English Literature at UCLA. This yearlong series traces the historical sequence of British literature. Students should take the 10 series in sequence early in their career at UCLA.

    The Prep courses for the English and American Lit & Culture majors must be taken for a letter grade, and students must receive a grade higher than "C-" in each of the courses taken after September 1995. Students should also be aware that English 10A and 10B are prerequisites for any English course between 140A-157, and English 10A, 10B, and 10C are prerequisites for English 160-182C.

    Foreign Language/Literature in Translation Requirement

    The Department of English requires five quarters of foreign language, foreign literature, or foreign literature in translation. These classes may be taken on a P/NP grading basis. For students entering UCLA in 1988 and after, the College of Letters and Science requires each student to complete a college-level foreign language course equivalent to UCLA's level three. Therefore, to fulfill the English Department's requirement, students entering UCLA in 1988 or after must complete the equivalent of two additional classes of either foreign language or foreign literature in translation after completing the College of Letters and Science requirement.

    The Department will give credit towards the major's Foreign Language/Literature in Translation requirement for any work the student may test out of in a UCLA language department placement exam or in an AP exam. Please refer to the "Credit for Advanced Placement Tests" table in the General Catalog.

    Transfer students, who have satisfied the College of Letters and Science foreign language requirement at the high school level through the IGETC program, may satisfy the departmental requirement with five foreign literature in translation courses. A list of UCLA literature in translation classes appears under the heading “Foreign Literature in Translation” in the 2009-2010 UCLA General Catalog on pp. 343-344.  If you are interested in a particular course not appearing on that list, ask an undergraduate counselor before you take the course if the class will apply to the requirement.

    If you use English 108A or 108B to fulfill the Department of English's foreign language requirement, it may count as a course toward the College of Letters and Science upper division requirement but not as an upper division course for the English major.

    English majors who have declared the World Literature Concentration are waived from the Foreign Language/Literature in Translation requirement.
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