Bachelor of Arts in Anthropology, Archaeology Track

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Bachelor of Arts in Anthropology, Archaeology Track

  • Course description Courses in Archaeology

    106F,S Principles of Archaeology.

    An introduction to the fundamentals of archaeology, with emphasis on evolutionary principles. Topics include a review of archaeological field methods such as sampling, survey and excavation, and analytic methods such as dating, typology and formation processes. Three hours of class and one hour of laboratory. (Quantitative and Symbolic Reasoning.) Maximum enrollment, 24. Goodale, T Jones.

    210F The Archaeology of Cultural Collapse
    Jared Diamond's book Collapse addresses five factors he sees as important in the collapse of both prehistoric and historic cultures throughout the world. Examines the archaeological evidence for such calamities, focusing first on the five factors and how they appear to be operative in present-day and historical societies, for which we have written records, and then on a number of prehistoric societies, for which only archaeological data exist. Prerequisite, 106 or consent of instructor. Maximum enrollment, 24. Beck.

    [215] Old World Prehistory
    Cultural developments of the last 40,000 years in Africa and Eurasia. Focus on anatomically modern human behavioral adaptations as organized in hunting and gathering and agricultural societies, and in large-scale complex civilizations. Attention to the important transitions in prehistory that laid the foundations for the development of civilizations throughout the Old World. Prerequisite, 106 or consent of instructor.

    [230S] Persistent Questions in Prehistory.
    A number of questions about prehistory persist in archaeology, despite attempts to answer them, questions such as: Who were the Neandertals and where do they fit in evolution of modern humans? What factors led to the evolution of social complexity and inequality? Where did the first people to colonize the Americas come from, when did they arrive, and how did they get here? Examines several of these questions, how archaeologists have attempted to answer them throughout the years, and why they are still with us. Prerequisite, 106.

    [237] The Archaeological Record of Guns, Germs and Steel.
    The distinction between “us and them” in terms of indigenous societies and the western world has deep evolutionary roots. In Jared Diamond’s book "Guns, Germs and Steel” he proposes several factors as to why people in the developed societies generally have more “cargo” than those in indigenous societies. Examines Diamond’s hypotheses within the backdrop of the archaeological record to evaluate his assertions. Prerequisite, 106 or consent of instructor. Maximum enrollment, 24.

    243F North American Prehistory.
    The history of Native American cultural development north of the Rio Grande prior to European contact. Topics include the timing and effects of human entry into North America, ice-age adaptations, plant and animal domestication, agriculture and beginnings of complex societies. Prerequisite, 106 or consent of instructor. Beck.

    245S Human Ancestors.
    A review of the biological and cultural evolution of humans. Topics include human uniqueness, race and biological diversity, the earliest humans in Africa, radiations of fossil and modern humans. Includes laboratory. Prerequisite, 106 or Biology 110; Geosciences 103 or 105. Maximum enrollment, 24.

    [249S] The Archaeology of Continental Discovery
    Explores the social, organizational and environmental consequences of initial human colonization of unoccupied landscapes. Examined through case studies, including initial colonization of Australia and North America, and the voyaging expansion of people across Pacific islands. Also addresses the consequences of European "rediscovery" of these areas for native peoples and environment. Prerequisite, 106 or consent of instructor.

    250S The Ethnography and Archaeology of Hunter-Gatherers.
    Humans lived as hunter-gatherers for 99% of our evolutionary past. Today, just a small fraction of the world’s population lives as hunter-gatherers and that number is rapidly decreasing due to modernization. Anthropologists and archaeologists are interested in studying the adaptive range of modern hunter-gatherers in order to help interpret the archaeological record. Course explores the ethnographic and archaeological study of hunting and gathering with a focus on analogy and inference developed in ethnoarchaeology and behavioral ecology. Prerequisite, 106 or consent of instructor. Goodale.

    [281Su] Archaeology Field Course I.
    A three- to four-week introduction to archaeological field techniques, including excavation, survey and mapping. Conducted in conjunction with field research programs of Hamilton faculty. Prerequisite, 106 or consent of instructor. Extra cost. Maximum enrollment, 8.

    [282Su] Archaeology Field Course II
    A three- to four-week session building on training in archaeological field techniques received in Archaeology 281. Conducted in conjunction with field research programs of Hamilton faculty. Prerequisite, 281. Extra cost. Does not count toward the concentration in archaeology or cultural anthropology. Maximum enrollment, 8.

    325F Analytic Methods in Archaeolog
    A survey of analytic techniques central to archaeological and paleoecological interpretation. Laboratory performance of artifact analysis and classification, computer-aided data management and statistical analysis. Three hours of class and three hours of laboratory. (Writing-intensive.) Prerequisite, 106. Maximum enrollment, 8. T Jones.

    [334S] Method and Theory in Archaeology.
    An examination of the historical development of modern methodological and theoretical approaches and problems in American archaeology. Space-time frameworks, typology, form and function, research design, evolutionary, ecological and behavioral theory. Prerequisite, 106.

    441F Senior Seminar in Archaeology.

    Critical evaluation of selected topics in archaeology. Primary research, culminating in a paper for fulfillment of the senior project. Goodale.

    451S Senior Project in Archaeology.
    For students continuing their senior projects in archaeology for a second semester but who are not pursuing honors. Continuation of participation in 441. The Department.
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