Bachelor of Arts in Communications

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Bachelor of Arts in Communications


    The field of Communications is one of the most exciting - and one of the most important - areas of study in higher education. Hult’s communications studies program teaches students the necessary skills to succeed in both interpersonal and mass media communications. Graduates of this program become highly adept at using images and words to convey meaning, and in knowing how to control the media of communication as well. These are powerful skills to have in world driven by new developments in information technology and creative media. After completing the core communications studies requirements, students choose from a range of electives in three typical areas, one of which may become the student’s chosen Communications Major concentration: Marketing, Media & Public Relations, and Creative Industries.

    Core Communications Major Courses
    Year One 
    Media Literacy Skills
    Media & Cultural Industries

    Year Two
    Marketing Communications
    Psychology & Human Relations
    Creative Media & Social Change

    Year Three

    Audience Research
    Mass Persuasion

    Year Four

    Creative Project Design & Management  
    Professional Development

    Communications Major Learning Objectives:
    • To provide knowledge in the fields of marketing, advertising, and PR, and for the development of essential skills of communicating with a target audience.
    • To develop transferable skills in critical thinking, creative expression, research and writing, oral presentation, collaboration and teamwork.
    • To develop high-level skills in media and creative literacy: using words, narratives, graphics, and digital technologies to shape a message and deliver it to others.
    • To develop an understanding of human psychology and motivation.
    • To gain historical knowledge of how new forms of communication were developed, how technological changes affect society, and how past trends shape future patterns.
    • To increase awareness of how differences such as gender, race, ethnicity, nationality, religion and class affect communication within and across cultures.
    • To gain awareness of film, television, music, games, design, the press and the arts as organizations and as industries.
    Year 1 Courses: General Education Core Competencies

    All our students undertake Hult’s General Education courses as a foundation for their bachelor degree, gaining the basic knowledge and skills needed in higher education.

    Core Competencies include information literacy, verbal and written communication skills, and numeracy. Students take a foundation course in each of the three majors of Business, International Relations, and Communications, followed by electives in Science, Social Science, Arts & Humanities, and Ethics.

    Course Objectives:
    • To help students develop the confidence, skills and knowledge needed to succeed as active, productive, professional adults.
    • To provide students with a tool kit for intellectual and social inquiry, as a foundation for Hult’s undergraduate programs.
    • To generate skills in critical thinking, and to encourage the development of good research techniques and study habits.
    • To introduce students to a range of academic disciplines and modes of thought.
    • To develop an awareness of the diversity of human thought, culture, and belief systems.
    • To enable students to place economic, social, and political debates into an ethical framework.
    • To highlight the symbiotic relationship between the global and local levels of analysis.
    Hult General Education Courses:
    • Academic English 1 & 2
    • Communications, Creativity & Power
    • Contemporary Ethical Debates
    • Fundamentals of International Relations
    • Group Communication & Teamwork
    • Information Literacy
    • Literature, Arts, & Culture
    • Management Practices & the Business Environment
    • Multicultural London
    • Public Speaking
    • Quantitative Skills
    • Science & Society
    Hult’s General Education courses also include ‘professional communication’ electives. These courses provide transferable skills designed to help assimilate graduates into a professional working environment or continue their university studies after graduation. Employers cite communication skills as the number one criterion when assessing applicants for professional posts. The Hult Professional Communication track is designed to ensure Hult graduates possess these vital skills, satisfying potential employers and giving students a professional edge in a competitive graduate job market.

    Hult Professional Communication Courses:
    • Assessment & Feedback
    • Corporate Communications
    • Cross-cultural Communication
    • Desktop Publishing
    • Group Communication & Teamwork
    • Interviewing & Presenting
    • Mastering the Pitch
    • Negotiations & Problem Solving
    • Professional Development
    • Psychology & Human Relations
    • Public Speaking
    Communications Major Career Opportunities:
    Students pursuing this major earn a Bachelor of Arts in Communications and upon graduation can explore career and professional opportunities such as:
    • Advertising
    • Corporate Communications
    • Event and Festival Promotion
    • Film & Television
    • Marketing
    • Political Campaigns
    • Public Relations

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