Bachelor of Arts in Economics

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Bachelor of Arts in Economics

  • Course description
    Economics isn't just about money. It studies the ways decisions are made by individuals, families, businesses, governments, and nations; and can help you develop your critical thinking skills and ability to make good choices in your life as well as your life's work.

    Stetson's Economics Department has a strong international flavor, with courses on Latin America, Russia and China, and Sub-Saharan Africa. It also encourages Stetson students to gain practical experience and to become involved in the local community.

    The Department is developing a program of Humane Economics, where money is not the bottom line and volunteer service is an important ingredient. Faculty members and students operate a local microcredit program as part of their commitment to serving the community. Faculty members and their specialties include:

        * Neal B. Long, Ph.D., Indiana University; recipient of the 2006 Hand Award for Community Impact: economic statistics and research, the economies of Russia and China, the environment, microfinance, humane economics
        * Ranjini L. Thaver, Ph.D., University of Notre Dame; Recipient of Stetson's 1998 McEniry Award for Outstanding Teaching and of the 2008 Hand Award for Community Impact: Sub-Saharan Africa, the environment, microfinance, humane economics
        * Richard H. Wood, Ph.D., University of Wisconsin; international economics, Latin America, meeting basic needs in less-developed countries
        * Benhua Yang, Ph.D., Texas Technical University; applied open economy macroeconomics, economic growth and development political economy and macroeconomics, international economic policy, applied econometrics and applied time series economics

    Special Features
    The Department's involvement in the DeLand community provides students with opportunities to participate in community economic development. Using knowledge learned in the classroom, for example, students can help low-inclome individuals make their dream of owning a business become a reality through microcredit.

    Course Information
    Economics students pursue courses in the Principles and Theory of Economics, Computer Operations, and Statistics and Research; along with courses in Exploring Economies in Different Countries; Introduction to Humane Economics; Current Economic Policies and Issues; Financial Institutions; Political Economy of Southern Africa; Energy, Environment, and Economics; Economics of Race and Gender; Economics, Ethics, and Religion; Economic Problems of Latin America; Public Finance; International Economics; and Econometrics. Each student also develops a Senior Project - - the capstone course at Stetson.

    Internship Opportunities
    A number of economics majors have had internships with Volusia County government and the City of DeLand.

    Career Opportunities
    Economics alumni have careers with various businesses and banks. They also have careers with government -- local, state, and national. Many have gone on to graduate studies in law, economics, and business.

    Clubs and Organizations
    Omicron Delta Epsilon, the economics honorary

    Department Awards
    Each year an award is made to the outstanding economics student.

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