Students in the School of Environmental and Biological Sciences (SEBS) may choose the major in genetics, which is offered by the School of Arts and Sciences (SAS). Completion of the major prepares students for diverse careers in biological research, biotechnology, and the health professions.
Graduation Requirements for the Major
A. Major Requirements (77 credits)
The major in genetics is offered by the School of Arts and Sciences (SAS).
In addition to 43 credits of required prerequisite courses in biology, chemistry, physics, and calculus, all students majoring in genetics must take the following course sequence:
01:447:384 Genetic Analysis I (4) - to be given in the fall semester
01:447:385 Genetic Analysis II (4) - to be given in the spring semester
All students are also required to take the following four courses:
01:694:301 Introduction to Molecular Biology and Biochemistry (3);
01:447:315 Introduction to Research in Genetics (3); and
01:447:403,404 Seminar in Genetics (1,1).
Students must complete an additional 18 credits. All students are required to take a minimum of 6 credits of independent scholarship [Research in Genetics - various courses or Advanced Independent Study (01:447:489,490)].These 6 credits must be taken over two semesters with a single adviser. Students must also complete 6 credits of elective courses from the approved list. The remaining 6 credits may be either courses from the approved list or additional research courses.
A grade of C or better in courses credited toward the major is required for graduation.
Please refer to the SAS section of the catalog for the Life Sciences for a full description of the requirements of the major.
B. Additional SEBS Core Requirements for Students Majoring in Genetics (30-33 credits)
I. School Mission : Interdisciplinary Critical Analysis (3 credits)
One 3-credit Junior/Senior Colloquium
II. Introductory Life and Physical Sciences
This SEBS requirement is automatically fulfilled by the introductory biology, chemistry, and physics requirements of the major.
III. Humanities and the Arts (6 credits)
See suggested courses in the Degree Requirements chapter .
IV. Multicultural and International Studies (6 credits)
See suggested courses in the Degree Requirements chapter .
V. Human Behavior, Economic Systems, and Political Processes (9 credits)
VI. Oral and Written Communication (6 credits)
VII. Experience-Based Education
This SEBS requirement is automatically fulfilled by the Research in Genetics or Advanced Independent Study requirements of the major .
VIII. Professional Ethics in the Genetics (3 credits)