To declare Spanish as your primary major, you must:
-Have completed at least one quarter of study at UCLA;
-Not be on academic probation.
-See the undergraduate counselor in 5314 Rolfe Hall
To declare Spanish as the second of a double major within the College of Letters and Science, bring a DPR and a signed change of major form from the counselor in your primary major. In accordance with Letters and Science policy, the department will recommend approval of the double major if the student has completed the preparatory and two upper division courses in both majors and is in good academic standing. The form is then sent to the College of Letters and Science for final approval. If Spanish is your primary major, reverse the process.
Preparation for the major (these courses must be passed with an average grade of C or better)
Lower Division Requirements
25 Advanced Spanish and Composition -or- 27 Composition for Spanish Speakers
M42 Civilization of Spain and Portugal
M44 Civilization of Spanish America and Brazil
Upper Division Requirements
I. Linguistics (choose one of the following)
100A Phonology & Morphology or 100B Syntax
II. Spanish Composition
105 or 107
III. Introduction to Literature (choose one of the following)
119A Intro. to Lit.: Prose
119B Intro. to Lit.: Poetry
119C Intro. to Lit.: Drama
IV. Literature in the Hispanic World
120A Hispanic Literature to 1700
120B Hispanic Literature 1700-1898
120C Hispanic Literature since 1898
127 Don Quixote
V. (6) Upper division electives in Spanish ( 100-199 )
TheDEPARTMENTAL HONORS PROGRAM is open to Spanish majors who have completed the required nine upper division core courses with a 3.5 grade-point average. Eligibility is verified by the departmental counselor. Two honors projects and an honors thesis are required to graduate with departmental honors, students must first complete an honors project in each of two of their upper division Spanish elective courses. The honors project is a 12- to 15-page term paper on a special topic, selected in consultation with the instructor, to be completed in addition to the normal course requirements. On the basis of the coursework and special interests, students then consult a faculty member in that field and formulate a research project which they pursue under the faculty member’s guidance through Spanish 198. Students research and write an honors thesis (not to be confused with an honors project) of approximately 25 pages on the special topic. Approval of the honors thesis is the final requirement for departmental honors.