Bachelor of Science in Art Education

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Bachelor of Science in Art Education

  • Course description The undergraduate program is currently being phased out. A new 4+1 Art Teacher
    Certification program will be phased in, allowing students to take one year’s worth of course work beyond an undergraduate art degree to allow them to be eligible for teacher certification. Although still in the planning stages, we are very excited about this change. Stay tuned, and please contact us about any questions you may have about this.The primary mission of the undergraduate program is to prepare certified art teachers for public and private school services.The primary mission of the undergraduate program is to prepare certified art teachers for public and private school services.

    The undergraduate certification program is based on the theoretical position of comprehensive art education. This means that the program stems from the content and inquiry structure of mature practicing professionals in studio art, art history, art criticism, and aesthetics, and is adapted to developmental stages, cognitive styles, and special and individual needs of students.

    Art education courses are offered once per year and are sequenced over a two-year period.
    Students are required to maintain a portfolio of teaching materials as designated in their coursework and are expected to go through a first year and final review.

    The Department of Art Education offers programs leading to the bachelor of science (BS), bachelor of arts (BA), master of arts (MA) degrees with certification.

    Employment Information
    Representative Job titles Related to this Major: : Art Teacher: Private or public elementary, middle, junior and senior high schools; Art Teacher: College, junior colleges (additional coursework, advanced degree); Art Teacher for special populations: rehabilitation centers, hospitals, special schools

    Representative Employers:School boards, Hospitals/rehabilitation centers, Community recreation programs, Mental health agencies, Colleges, Museums

    International Opportunities
    International study is available for all students and may include opportunities for internships or taking course work towards various minors. International study may have an impact on the MAP; therefore, it is important to consult with the academic advisor for this major before participating in an International Programs opportunity. Interested students should also contact the Office of International Programs .
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