Chinese Internal Medicine Course

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Chinese Internal Medicine Course

  • Objectives To enable students to have a comprehensive understanding of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine concepts and theory; to understand how an effective treatment strategy is based upon the diagnosis formulated; and to prepare students for Hawaii State Board of Acupuncture Licensure, National Certification in Acupuncture and National Certification in Herbal Medicine and to enable graduates to set up and maintain successful professional practice of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine.
  • Course description This course is designed to train students in the following:

    History of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine

        * TCM Intensive

    Traditions in Acupuncture and Oriental medicine, their relation to Chinese medical history

    *      History of the development of Acupuncture and Oriental medicine in the United States, and the development of current professional trends.
    *      Discussion of Acupuncture and Oriental medicine outside the United States and China

    A Comprehensive Understanding of the following Fundamental Theories and Concept
    *      Chi: Tonification and Sedation, Creation of Balance and Harmony
    *      Tao and Yin-Yang Theory, Five Phase Theory, Triple Warmer Theory, Eight Parameters/Ba Gua
    *      Organ Theory; Viscera And Bowels, Twelve Officials
    *      Channel Theory of the Meridians
    *      Internal-External Causes of Disease: Six External Evils / Seven Emotions / Non-Internal or External Reasons
    *      Oriental Medicine Pathology, Meaning of Disease, Symptoms, Signs
    *      Fundamental Body Substances (Spirit, Chi, Blood, Fluid, Etc.)
    *      Stages of Disease Progression, including the Six -Stage and Four -Aspect Disease Progressions

    *      The Natural Progression of Untreated Disease

    Acupuncture, Point Location, and Channel Theory

    *      Location Systems: Anatomically, Proportionally, by Palpation, the Anatomical Chinese Inch
    *      All Points of the Twelve Bilateral Channels and the Conception and Governing Vessels
    *      Forbidden Points, Contraindications of Points
    *      Classification, Functions and Indications of Acupuncture Points, Extra Acupuncture Points
    *      Other Categories and Types of Acupuncture Points (E.G. Auricular, Scalp Points, Hand Points)
    *      Special Groupings of Acupuncture Points (E.G. Transport Points, Tender Points, Local And Distal Points, Associated Effect and Alarm Points, Windows of the Sky, Internal and External Dragons, Seas and Oceans, Thirteen Ghost Points), and other Recognized Point Combinations.
    *      Traditions of Acupuncture; Respect for Different Traditions of Evaluating and Diagnosing and Influencing and Correcting the Balance of Chi.


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