Educational Specialist (Ed.S) in School Psychology

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Educational Specialist (Ed.S) in School Psychology

  • Course description The Educational Specialist Degree in School Psychology is designed to prepare students to work as school psychologists involved in psychological assessment, counseling, consulting, program development, and crisis intervention in multi-ethnic, multi-cultural urban environments. The program is accredited by the Florida State Department of Education and is designed to meet the National Association of School Psychologist Standards for Training Programs in School Psychology. In addition, program graduates will meet the state of Florida educational requirements for private practice licensure in the specialty area of school psychology. Program graduates will also be eligible to become a Nationally Certified School Psychologist (NCSP) conferred by the National Association of School Psychologists.

    The student is required to enter an internship in school psychology working under the supervision of a field based school psychologist for a period of 1200 clock hours. The internship is a full-time, eight-hour day, five-day week involvement and students entering the program should plan for this during the final stage of training. At least 600 hours of the internship must be in a K-12 setting in a public school. Other approved internship experiences may include private state approved educational programs or other appropriate mental health-related programs or settings for the education of children and youth.

    Admission Requirements:
    1. A minimum 3.2 GPA or better on a 4.0 scale for the last 60 credit hours of undergraduate upper-division coursework;
    2. A minimum of 15 semester hours in psychology;
    3. A résumé describing at least the past five years of employment history and significant community, professional, or college extracurricular activities;
    4. Three letters of recommendation from individuals who can comment on the applicant’s leadership potential and qualifications for successfully participating in the program;
    5. A personal statement of 1,000 words or less explaining any personal and professional goals you plan to achieve with the accomplishment of the degree. Please list any recognitions of achievement that you have received (e.g. licenses, publications, awards). Provide any additional information that you would like considered in the evaluation of the application;
    6. Must submit one of the following:
      1. Passing scores on all sections of the Florida Teacher Certification General Knowledge Test (GKT). Students who passed all sections of the College-Level Academic Skills Test (CLAST) exam prior to July 1, 2002 may submit these scores in lieu of the GK requirement;
      2. Combined minimum score of 1000 for the verbal and quantitative sections of the Graduate Record Examination (GRE);
      3. Passing scores on all sections of the Praxis I Pre-Professional Skills Assessment.
    7. Personal interview with the admissions committee;
    8. Submit a writing sample if requested by program faculty.
    Program Requirements:
    The Educational Specialist Degree in School Psychology program requires a minimum of 80 credit hours and three years of graduate study. Students who do not have a valid Florida professional teaching certificate must enroll for the courses in general professional education required to meet certification requirements in the state of Florida.
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