History / Social Science Credential Program

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History / Social Science Credential Program

  • Course description
    In order to teach History/Social Science in California secondary schools, you must earn a teaching credential in History/Social Science. This web page will inform and guide you through the History/Social Science Credential Program at CSULB.

    To obtain a credential to teach social science you must fulfill the following requirements:
    1. Bachelor’s Degree
    2. Course on the U.S. Constitution
    3. Pass the CBEST
    4. Complete the Social Science Subject Matter Program, or obtain a passing grade on the CSET examinations in Social Science
    5. Complete the Education Program
    The Social Science Subject Matter Program at CSU Long Beach
    The Social Science Subject Matter Program consists of 57 units directly related to courses taught in California schools grades 7 to 12:

    Grade Seven - World History and Geography: Medieval and Early Modern Times
    Grade Eight - U.S. History and Geography: From Independence to 1900
    Grade Nine - Elective (California History or Psychology or Sociology)
    Grade Ten - World History, Culture and Geography: The Modern World
    Grade Eleven - U.S. History and Geography: The Twentieth Century
    Grade Twelve - American Government (one semester), Economics (one semester)
    The Education Program for Social Science Credential Candidates
    EDSS 300S serves as the prerequisites for all other education courses. You may take EDSS 300S concurrently with other courses in the Social Science Subject Matter Program, but you may not enroll in any other education courses until you have successfully completed EDSS 300S. Candidates must pass EDSS 300S with a B grade or better to be admitted to the Social Science Credential Program.

    Note: All candidates must pass C-BEST in order to get the Credential. In addition, candidates must have an overall GPA of 2.67 in all college courses as well as in the candidates major. Once the candidate is admitted to the Social Science Credential

    Program, the following courses must be completed:

    EDSE 435 - American Secondary Schools/Intercultural Education
    EDSE 436 - Learning and Instruction in a Multicultural Setting
    EDSE 457 - Reading in Secondary School
    EDSS 450S - Methods in Teaching Social Science
    H SC 411B - Health Science for Secondary School Teachers
    ETEC 444 - Computer Technology in Education, Level I
    Note: This requirement may also be met by a passing grade on a state-approved examination.
    EDSP 350 - Education of Exception Individuals
    EdP 301, 302, or 305 Child / Adolescent Development / Educational Psychology
    EDSS 472 (A, B, C) plus EDSS 473S - Student Teaching. (15 units) and S.T. Seminar
    EDSS 572 (A, B, C) plus EDSS 473S - Intern Student Teaching (15 units) and S.T. Seminar
    *to be taken just prior to Student Teaching and concurrently with HIST 401 (both require a B Grade)
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Other programs related to teaching social science

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  • Master of Art in Education - Counsiling and Guidance

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