Máster en Sports Management and Leisure

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Máster en Sports Management and Leisure

  • Course description Master en Sport Management & Leisure.

    Basic information:
    • Beginning of the course: October 2016.
    • Campus: Barcelona.
    • ECTS: 60.
    • Language: Spanish.
    • Attendance: Full-Time.
    • Price: 11.200 €.
    • Age/Degree: 21-40 years old / minimum academic level.

    The Master in Sports and Leisure Management is co-directed by Josep Vergés, the former Director of Human Resources at FC Barcelona, and Rodrigo de la Fuente, the former captain of FC Barcelona’s basketball team and international player at all levels of the Spanish team. The Master also boasts an academic faculty made up of top-level professionals in the field of sports and leisure management.


    Both contemporary sport and the most popular physical and sporting activities form an intrinsic part of leisure, free-time and tourism pursuits that characterize industrial urban societies. As a result, it is not possible to separate the study of sport and its evolution and transformations in modern advanced societies from an understanding of the role that leisure and free-time activities play, including tourism.

    Ostelea’s Master in Sports & Leisure Management provides solutions that respond to the needs involved in the management of organizations related to sport, as well as to leisure and sports and recreational tourism. With a clearly practical approach designed to enhance professionalism, this Master focuses on building the skills of management professionals in the Sports, Leisure and Tourism sectors, from a socially responsible and committed perspective.

    4 reasons to take the Master in Sport & Leisure Management at Ostelea:
    • Focus on management and executive skills, underpinned by the expertise and experience of EAE Business School in this field.
    • Final stage in Barcelona, with an extensive programme of practical activities, visits to sporting facilities and organizations. Barcelona is quintessentially a sporting city, having held some of the world’s biggest sporting events (Olympic Games, Formula 1 Grand Prix, Masters 1000, UEFA Champions League, World Championships of Basketball, Swimming and Football). During the presential section of the course, students will visit leading sports centres and organizations.
    • The Academic faculty, made up of professionals with a wealth of experience in the field of sports management related to the specific subjects, and EAE’s leading teachers in the areas of Marketing, Management and Human Resources.
    • With a clearly practical approach designed to enhance professionalism, this Master focuses on building the skills of management professionals in the Sports, Leisure and Tourism sectors, from a socially responsible and committed

    The Master in Sports & Leisure Management will give you the following benefits:
    • Global vision. Building a firm knowledge base in the sports and leisure industry from an international perspective to enhance participants’ executive approach.
    • Sustainable management of sport and leisure. Developing the capacity for creativity and innovation in sports and leisure companies, and their sustainable management
    • Challenges in Sports & Leisure Management. Broadening experience as a result of the transnational group of participants and international faculty, which enables students to prepare organizations to face new and future challenges.
    • Strategic approach. Focusing business management towards achieving results and drafting strategic and immediate action plans in multinational settings.
    • Executive skills. Equipping participants to manage and lead teams better and strengthen their confidence in themselves as a director.
    Study programme:

    Ostelea’s Master in Sport & Leisure Management is divided into 6 modules:

    Within each of these modules, there are several courses in which you will learn about:

    Módulo 1: Sport: Introduction and History
    •     Sport and leisure: history, sociology and values
    •     The Olympic phenomenon: from Barcelona ‘92 to Rio de Janeiro ‘16
    •     The new challenges of the sports, leisure and tourism industries
    Módulo 2: Sports Management I
    •     Sports operations and logistics
    •     Finance for sports organizations
    •     IT in the sports environment
    Módulo 3: Sports Management II y Leisure Management
    •     Human Resources
    •     Law for Sports Organizations
    •     Leisure Company Management
    Módulo 4: Marketing, communication and public relations
    •     Sports marketing and leisure  and sports tourism management
    •     Commercialization of sporting and recreational sports events
    •     Sports event sponsorship
    •     Communication in the sporting and recreational sports sector
    •     Protocol in sports events
    Módulo 5: Managerial skills in sports and leisure companies
    •     Coaching
    •     Meeting management, time management and decision-making
    •     Negotiation and conflict resolution
    •     Leadership
    •     Sports entrepreneurship
    Módulo 6: Master’s Thesis
    •     Master’s Thesis.
    Courses.     Credits.     Character/Type.

    The Olympic phenomenon: from Barcelona '92 to Rio de Janeiro '16 | 6 | Compulsory
    Sports operations and logistics  |  6  |   Compulsory
    Finance for sports organization  |  6   |  Compulsory
    IT in the sports sector  |  6   |  Compulsory
    Law for Sports Organizations   |  6  |   Compulsory
    Sports marketing and leisure and sports tourism management  |  6  |   Compulsory
    Sports event sponsorship  |  6   |  Compulsory
    Communication in the sporting and recreational sports sector  |   6   |  Compulsory
    Master’s Thesis  |  12   |  Compulsory


    Participants who successfully complete the programme will receive:
    • The qualification of Master in Sports & Leisure Management from the Ostelea, School of Tourism & Hospitality.
    • The qualification of Master in Sports & Leisure Management from EAE Business School.
    • The qualification from the Universitat de Lleida
    In order to receive the qualifications granted by EAE and the University, participants must fulfil the requirements stipulated by these institutions..

    Grants and subsidies.
    • Fundación Carolina. Lifelong training grant that encourages cultural and scientific cooperation between Spain and Latin America, promoting exchanges between professionals. It is aimed at Latin American and Spanish specialists and professionals that can demonstrate their need to move to the other region to continue their training.
    • MAEC – AECID grant. This grant contributes towards the further education and professional development of foreigners and young university students with an advanced university qualification and, on some programmes, university students in their final year. Type of financial aid: II-B Programme grants: grants for foreigners studying Master Degrees or specialization programmes in Spanish universities and non-university education centres.
    • Financial support for training workers regulated by the Fundación Tripartita. The State Employment Public Service offers financial support, through the Fundación Tripartita, to all people currently actively employed and making Social Security contributions and who have received individual training permission from the company. Refusal of permission must be based on organizational or production reasons. The purpose of the financial support is to receive tuition for an official qualification or a university’s own qualification. In return, the company receives a Social Security allowance for each employee that has been granted permission. The allowance is equivalent to the salary costs for the working hours that the employee has dedicated to training, up to a maximum of 200 hours per employee granted permission per academic or calendar year.
    • AGAUR (Agència de Gestió d’Ajuts Universitaris i de Recerca – University and Research Financial Support Management Agency). The agency offers university postgraduate loans with extremely attractive conditions.

    Durante décadas, el turismo ha experimentado un continuo crecimiento y una profunda diversificación, hasta convertirse en uno de los sectores económicos que crecen con mayor rapidez en el mundo. El turismo mundial guarda una estrecha relación con él y es un motor clave del progreso socioeconómico. Hoy en día, el volumen de negocio del turismo iguala o incluso supera al de las exportaciones de petróleo, productos alimentarios o automóviles. El turismo se ha convertido en uno de los principales actores del comercio internacional, y representa al mismo tiempo una de las principales fuentes de ingresos de numerosos países en desarrollo.

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