Master of Science in Human Resource Development

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Master of Science in Human Resource Development

  • Course description
    The MS in HRD is based on generalist preparation, emphasizing strategic planning, statistics, employment, training, and organizational development. The program is ideal for students pursuing jobs in corporate human resource departments or in human resource consulting firms.
    • Total Credits Required: 33*
      (*30 credits if eligible for Internship Waiver)
    • Average Credits per Course: 3
    • Total Courses Required: 10-11
    • HR/IR Courses Required: 6
    • Average Time for Completion: 1 1⁄2 -2 years full-time; 3-4 years part-time.
    • Maximum Time Allowed for Completion: 6 years

    M.S. Program Requirements

    Please review the  Master's Curriculum Checklist  for a complete listing of HRD M.S. requirements.

    The Dean of Graduate Studies in the College of Arts and Sciences requires that all graduate programs either:
    • require a thesis or,
    • administer a comprehensive exam as a capstone for each program

    The HRD program offers students two comprehensive examination options for meeting this requirement. One must be taken and passed in order to graduate.

    Two comprehensive exam options
    1. The traditional essay format comprehensive exam.  This exam covers three primary areas: Statistics, Financial Management, and Human Resources. Students are given questions from which they select one - three to answer (depending on area). The questions are broad-based, covering situational events which occur in Human Resources. Exams are graded by multiple reviewers on a letter grade basis.
    2. The standardized Professional in Human Resources (PHR) exam or Senior Professional in Human Resources (SPHR) , developed by the Human Resource Certification Institute (HRCI) and administered by ASI. Those students who present evidence of having passed either the PHR exam or the SPHR exam will be considered to have passed the comprehensive examination required for the MS degree in Human Resource Development (HRD). You may  request materials  on the PHR/SPHR or to register for it online. If you have received notice that you have passed either the PHR/SPHR, make sure the HRD Office has a copy of this notice.

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