Nursing Education Master's Program

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Nursing Education Master's Program

  • Course description
    The nursing education concentration prepares nurses to assume leadership roles as dynamic educators in baccalaureate and associate degree programs, staff development, continuing education and community education programs. Nurses who progress from this MSN concentration to our PhD program find their course of study expedited.

    As you develop as a nursing educator, you will create curricula, plan programs and teach with experts. This concentration also gives you the opportunity to spend time with a nurse educator to begin to internalize the critical educator role.

    At the completion of this concentration, the graduate is able to:
    • Integrate advanced knowledge and experience in a broadly-based clinical practice area into the educator role.
    • Participate knowledgeably in the development, implementation, revision, and evaluation of nursing curricula and nursing programs.
    • Apply theories of education and related sciences as a basis for education.
    • Utilize a variety of teaching strategies and educational resources to facilitate learning in the classroom and clinical areas and to enhance student and staff development.
    • Utilize various modalities in the educational process.
    • Conceptualize one's individual role as educator and one's personal philosophy of teaching.
    • Propose strategies to resolve conflicts and tensions among the multiple roles of an educator.
    • Appreciate the need for nurse educators to be an integral part of the university/health agency or community, to continue their own development and to pursue doctoral education.
    • Analyze the broad context or system in which the educator role is implemented.
    • Analyze the issues and trends in higher education, and specifically in nursing education, and their impact on the  development of nursing education.
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