Undergraduate Course in Fashion Marketing

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Undergraduate Course in Fashion Marketing

  • Course description Undergraduate Course in Fashion Marketing.

    Fashion Marketing
    Undergraduate Courses - Milan

    Those involved in marketing in the fashion industry have a deep understanding of the system, processes, methods and materials. They knows how to read the industry and the market and uses their skills to become an important point of connection between the company and the objective.

    The course in Fashion Marketing addresses the cultural issues, techniques and methodologies necessary to build an innovative strategic marketing and communication project, with particular attention to the digital world, social media and the challenges of ethics and sustainability. Much of the teaching deals with the theme of marketing intended both as a communication tool for the brand and the product, and as a study discipline applied to market logics.

    Duration: 3 years
    Attendance: full-time
    Language: English


    The expert in communication must possess the characteristics of a professional who is highly familiar with the evolutionary changes and instruments used in the world of communication and their strategies, in order to understand and communicate the new fashion signals, both those of the market and of a particular style. Fashion Marketing means knowing how to create and manage an integrated communication strategy, manage an ad campaign, deal with the media and relationships with those operating throughout the sector, organize events and fashion shows, but also be able to plan and implement a launch plan for a product, a designer or a brand.

    The first year of the course of Fashion Marketing is devoted to the acquisition of the fundamental technical skills required, the correct methods used in project management, and building a solid base and preparation regarding the culture of fashion. The study program is concentrated on designing a fashion photography shoot: from observing the real world and deconstructing the signals, to the development of an idea and its transformation into a style, in an imaginary situation where the student is required to create an editorial project. The essential goal is assist the student in his capacity to interpret the styles, to analyze and synthesize the real world and his own ideas, translating them into a creative and coherent image, who knows how to transmit the essence of an esthetic image.

    The second year is designed to go deeper into the methods, the acquired tools and the cultural aspects which will be more concretely defined: the projects (photo shoots of women, men, still life) deal with all of the various phases which are involved: research/development/realization - and which represent the building blocks of the study program. Each subject is handled according to the project: the technical and creative methodology (software, digital imaging, video creation); the cultural codes (contemporary fashion, photography, semiotics and in general learning how to interpret images). The basic objective is to form a specialist in Fashion Marketing capable of knowledgeably managing the creativity, the time and the mechanisms involved in project management, and to show a high level of skill regarding the background of different fashion styles throughout history, contemporary tendencies, critical analytical capabilities and their synthesis into new forms.

    The third year is dedicated to an advanced design project in a simulated professional environment involving complex cultural elements. The elaboration of the final project leaves room for personal intuition and critical reflections on the part of the student. The thesis project for the course of Fashion Marketing favors the development of a personal style and a project which shows originality and coherence, in which the student must show his knowledge of the technical, quality and economic aspects tied to the actual production of the collection.

    Professional profile: Brand and Communication Specialist, Merchandising Specialist, Product Manager, Fashion Buyer, Retail & Store Specialist, Digital Coordinator.

    Accademia di Belle Arti Aldo Galli - IED Network.

    IED nasce nel 1966 grazie alla felice intuizione di Francesco Morelli ed è oggi un’eccellenza internazionale di matrice completamente italiana, che opera nel campo della formazione e della ricerca, nelle discipline del Design, della Moda, delle Arti Visive e della Comunicazione.

    IED è un sistema formativo in evoluzione; un laboratorio capace di pensare e ripensarsi con una mission chiara e condivisibile: offrire ai giovani creativi una formazione completa, una “Cultura del Progetto” che li accompagni per tutta la vita. Proprio per questo suo processo di creazione costante, IED è molto più di una Scuola: è un centro in cui prendono forma professionalità di nuova generazione.

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