Associate in Applied Science Degree in Paralegal Studies

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Comments about Associate in Applied Science Degree in Paralegal Studies - At the institution - Bethpage - NY - New York

  • Course description
    Paralegal Studies Degree Program

    The Briarcliffe College A.A.S. degree program in Paralegal Studies is designed to provide the student with legal theory and contemporary practical law office skills designed to prepare the student for entry into the job market upon graduation.
    Exciting opportunities are emerging in Paralegal Studies.

    According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics Occupational Outlook Handbook, 2008-09 Edition, "the job outlook for paralegals is very good, with an expected growth rate near 22 percent a year through 2016."
    Paralegals are being sought by employers such as:

        * Private law firms
        * Corporate legal departments
        * Insurance companies
        * Real estate firms
        * Banks
        * The Federal Government, (U.S. Department of Justice, Social Security Administration and U.S. Department of the Treasury)

    A Briarcliffe College Paralegal Studies student can learn:

        * Critical thinking skills as demonstrated by the analysis of a fact pattern and the formulation of a legal analysis.
        * Necessary substantive knowledge and practical paralegal skills to qualify them for entry-level paralegal positions.
        * How to write clearly and concisely, utilizing appropriate legal citation format.
        * Of the ethical standards that affect the role of a paralegal in a law office.
        * Appropriate use of primary and secondary legal research tools, including legal digests, citators and online data banks.
        * The methods for conducting an intake interview and a preliminary investigation.

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