Course description
Kinesiology Physical Education (28 units)
Required Courses: (23 units)
Anatomy 1, Human Anatomy (4)
Physiology 3, Human Physiology (4)
PRO CR 10, Introduction to Kinesiology (3)
PRO CR 11, Introduction to Sports Injuries (3)
Math 22, College Algebra (3) or Math 52, Elementary Statistics (3)
Psychology 1, General Psychology (3)
Sociology 1, Introduction to Sociology (3)
Choose one course from:
Chemistry 10, Introduction General Chemistry (5)
Physics 6, General Physics (4)
Physics 8, General Physics with Calculus (4)
Physics 14, Introductory Physics with Lab (4)
Additional courses to total 28 units must be selected from:
Dance 20, Ethnic Dance (1,1)
Dance 22, Mexican Dance (2,2)
Dance, 27, Brazilian Dance (2,2)
Dance 31, Ballet (1,1)
Health 10, Fundamental of Healthful Living (3)
Kinesiology PE 3, Introduction to Exercise Physiology 1 (3)
PRO Cr 1, Basketball, Volleyball, Softball (2)
PRO Cr 3, Coaching of Racket Sports (3)
PRO Cr 4, Coaching of Track and Field (3)
PRO Cr 6A, Coaching of Football (3)
PRO Cr 6B, Coaching of Baseball (3)
PRO Cr 12, Emergency Care and Water Safety Instruction (3)
PRO CR 15, Sports Management (3)
PRO CR 29A, Officiating Fall Sports (3)
PRO CR 29B, Officiating Spring Sports (3)