The Philosophy Major. The
Philosophy major is particularly appropriate for students who are serious about their intellectual life, interested in the liberal arts, and challenged by questions about the foundations of nature and human experience. The study of
philosophy emphasizes critical thinking, argumentation, analysis, deliberation, interpretation, understanding and careful written expression of issues and ideas.
Philosophy majors are often the leading intellectuals on campus as they actively pursue wisdom and seek the basis of all knowledge and learning in their world.
Different Interests and Views. Many different interest and views are represented by faculty in the Philosophy Department. Our faculty includes specialists in the History of Philosophy, Analytic Philosophy, American Philosophy, Continental Philosophy, Feminist Theory, Critical Theory, Social and Political Philosophy, Ethics and Aesthetics.
Our faculty have defended many different arguments for the existence of God, the nature of human being, the relationship between knowledge and truth, the essence of justice and the good as well as the value of beauty in nature and the arts. Above all the faculty in our department are committed to excellence in the teaching of philosophy and eager to share their passion for philosophical questioning.
History of Philosophy
Philosophy majors must complete three courses in the History of Philosophy including:
PHI 3020 - History of Ancient Philosophy ,
PHI 3030 - History of Medieval Philosophy ,
PHI 3040 - Hist of Early Mod Philosophy .
With the approval of the Chair of the Department, upper-division electives and Topics courses in Ancient, Medieval and Modern Philosophy offered in Philosophy and Honors may substitute for the courses offered in this sequence. For examples of such courses click here .
Paths of Study
Philosophy majors are also required to take six additional electives in Philosophy following one of two paths to the completion of their requirements, the Thesis Path or the Track Path.