B.A. in Spanish Studies

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Comments about B.A. in Spanish Studies - At the institution - Villanova - Pennsylvania

  • Course description
    Besides being the official language of 23 countries in Europe, Africa and the Americas, Spanish is spoken by nearly 500 million people all over the world. It is also one of the six official languages of the UN.

    Spanish has become so prevalent in the US that it is considered the 4th largest Spanish speaking country in the world. According to the Census of 2000 there are 41.3 million Hispanics in the US. By 2050, they project this number to be 102.6  million, which will then represent 24% of the total US population.

    The number of students who choose to study Spanish beyond the requirement has grown significantly in the last decade. For careers in the government, health care, law, media, NGOs, and education, understanding Spanish will put you in great advantage.

    Major Requirements
    Ten courses above the Intermediate level including the following mandatory courses:
    • SPA 1138  - Advanced Grammar  or
      SPA 2400  - Writing & Stylistics in Span
    • SPA 2211  - Lit & Cult Experience of Spain ** or
      SPA 2212  - Lit & Cult Experienc of Lat Am **
    • SPA 3950  - Research Seminar  **

    All the above courses have as a prerequisite  SPA 1132  - Conversation & Composition II .**

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