B.S. in Biology

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Comments about B.S. in Biology - At the institution - University Of Richmond - Virginia

  • Course description
    The Biology Major

    Note: The grade point average of the coursework in biology and chemistry must be no less than 2.00 with no course grade below C- (1.7).

    For the Bachelor of Science Degree

    15 units, including

    BIOL 199 Introduction to Biological Thinking or BIOL 190 Integrated Science/Math/Computer Science 1 with Laboratory

    Conceptual Area 1: Genetics, Cellular and Molecular Biology, one unit chosen from

        BIOL 201 Genetics
        BIOL 205 Cell Biology

    Conceptual Area 2: Evolution, Diversity and Ecology, one unit chosen from

        BIOL 207 Ecology
        BIOL 225 Evolution

    Conceptual Area 3: Organismal Biology, one unit chosen from

        BIOL 216 Botany
        BIOL 217 Integrative Physiology
        BIOL 229 Microbiology

    Five additional units in biology, including at least four approved courses at the 300 level and four with a lab

    MATH 212 Calculus II or MATH 232 Scientific Calculus II

    CHEM 141 Introductory Chemistry or CHEM 191 Integrated Science/Math/Computer Science 3 with Laboratory

    CHEM 205 Organic Chemistry I

    CHEM 206 Organic Chemistry II

    Quantitative-physical science, two units chosen from:

        BUAD 301 Statistics for Business and Economics II
        CMSC 155 Introduction to Scientific Computing
        CMSC 221 Data Structures with Lab
        CMSC 222 Discrete Structures for Computing with Lab
        MATH 119 Statistics for Social and Life Sciences
        MATH 219 Introduction to the Design of Experiments
        PHYS 127 General Physics 1 or PHYS 131 General Physics with Calculus I
        PHYS 128 General Physics 2 or PHYS 132 General Physics with Calculus II or
        PHYS 133 Atomic and Sub-Atomic Physics or PHYS 134 Biological Physics
        PSYC 200 Methods and Analyses
        Or completion of the Integrated Quantitative Science sequence

    Students are expected to fulfill all prerequisites necessary for courses within the major/minor. Prerequisites do not count toward the major/minor unless otherwise noted.
    For the Bachelor of Arts Degree

    12 units, including

    BIOL 199 Introduction to Biological Thinking or BIOL 190 Integrated Science/Math/Computer Science 1 with Laboratory

    Conceptual Area 1: Genetics, Cellular and Molecular Biology, one unit chosen from

        BIOL 201 Genetics
        BIOL 205 Cell Biology

    Conceptual Area 2: Evolution, Diversity and Ecology, one unit chosen from

        BIOL 207 Ecology
        BIOL 225 Evolution

    Conceptual Area 3: Organismal Biology, one unit chosen from

        BIOL 216 Botany
        BIOL 217 Integrative Physiology
        BIOL 229 Microbiology

    Five additional units in biology, including at least four approved courses at the 300 level and four with a lab

    CHEM 141 Introductory Chemistry

    CHEM 205 Organic Chemistry I

    CHEM 206 Organic Chemistry II

    The Biology Minor
    6 units, including

    BIOL 199 Introduction to Biological Thinking or BIOL 190 Integrated Science/Math/Computer Science 1 with Laboratory

    Conceptual Area 1: Genetics, Cellular and Molecular Biology, one unit chosen from

        BIOL 201 Genetics
        BIOL 205 Cell Biology

    Conceptual Area 2: Evolution, Diversity and Ecology, one unit chosen from

        BIOL 207 Ecology
        BIOL 225 Evolution

    Conceptual Area 3: Organismal Biology, one unit chosen from

        BIOL 216 Botany
        BIOL 217 Integrative Physiology
        BIOL 229 Microbiology

    One additional unit with lab in biology, selected from approved 300-level courses

    CHEM 141 Introductory Chemistry or CHEM 191 Integrated Science/Math/Computer Science 3 with Laboratory

    Approved Courses for the Biology Major and Minor

    All 200- and 300-level courses may be used to meet major or minor requirements with the following exceptions: 260, 350, 370, 371, 387, 388, 389, 391, 392, and 395.

Other programs related to biology

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