B.S. in Marine Science

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Comments about B.S. in Marine Science - At the institution - Saint Petersburg - FL - Florida

  • Course description

    The marine science major provides both an integrative science background and specialized foundation work especially suitable for students planning professional careers in marine fields.

    Students majoring in any track of the marine science major are expected to be knowledgeable regarding fundamental concepts of biological, geological, chemical, and physical oceanography as well as research methods employed by marine scientists.

    In addition, students are expected to be able to:

        * synthesize information from the various marine science disciplines;
        * speak professionally; and
        * utilize bibliographic resources effectively and properly document them in a scientific report.

    The B.A. degree is not offered.

    Required for the B.S. are a core of 11 courses:

    Biological Oceanography, Geological Oceanography, Chemical and Physical Oceanography, Marine Science Seminar, Fundamental Physics I and II, General Chemistry I and II, Calculus I and II, and Marine Science Comprehensive Exam or Senior Thesis.

    In addition to the core, specified courses in one of the following four tracks must be included:

    MARINE BIOLOGY - Marine Invertebrate Biology, Marine and Freshwater Botany, Cell Biology, Genetics and Molecular Biology, Ecology, Comparative Physiology, and Organic Chemistry I.

    MARINE CHEMISTRY - Organic Chemistry I and II, Analytical Chemistry, Marine Geochemistry, Physical Chemistry I or Physical Chemistry for Life Sciences, Instrumental Analysis, and one of the following: any 300+ level course in Chemistry or Marine Science or a 200+ level course in Mathematics.

    MARINE GEOLOGY - Earth Systems History, Earth Materials, Earth Structure, Marine Stratigraphy and Sedimentation, and three of the following upper level geology courses: Coastal Geology, Marine Invertebrate Paleontology, Marine Geochemistry, Principles of Hydrology, and Solid Earth Geophysics. Statistics, GIS for Environmental Studies or Remote Sensing may be substituted for one upper level geology class.

    MARINE GEOPHYSICS - Earth Materials, Earth Structure, Solid Earth Geophysics, Introduction to Computer Science, Calculus III, and Differential Equations, and one of the following upper level courses: Earth Systems History, Marine Stratigraphy and Sedimentation, Marine Invertebrate Paleontology, Principles of Hydrology, Marine Geochemistry, Coastal Geology, GIS for Environmental Studies, Remote Sensing, or Linear Algebra.

    Biodiversity: Botany may substitute for Marine & Freshwater Botany. General and Molecular Physiology may substitute for Comparative Physiology.

    All marine science majors are encouraged to participate in an alternative field experience, which may include Winter Term or Sea Semester, their junior or senior year.

    Majors must complete one of the following capstone experiences:

          Comprehensive Exam: A thorough exam covering general oceanography and required courses within the track; offered during the Winter Term of a student's senior year.
          Thesis: A formal thesis including original research in marine or related sciences. At least one marine science faculty member must be on the thesis committee.

    Students who major in the marine science biology track may not major in biology, and students who major in the marine science chemistry track may not major in chemistry,and students who major in marine science geology or geophysics tracks may not major in geosciences.

    Possible sequence of courses:



          Biological Oceanography
          Geological Oceanography
          Calculus I


          General Chemistry I and II
          Calculus II
          Cell Biology
          Genetics and Molecular Biology


          Marine Invertebrate Biology
          Marine and Freshwater Botany
          Organic Chemistry I
          Marine Science Junior Seminar


          Comparative Physiology
          Chemical and Physical Oceanography
          Marine Science Senior Seminar
          Physics I and II



          Biological Oceanography
          Geological Oceanography
          General Chemistry I and II
          Calculus I


          Organic Chemistry I and II
          Calculus II
          Physics I and II
          Analytical Chemistry


          Chemical and Physical Oceanography
          any 300+ level course in Chemistry or Marine Science or a 200+ level course in Mathematics
          Marine Science Junior Seminar


          Marine Geochemistry
          Physical Chemistry I or Physical Chemistry for Life Sciences
          Instrumental Analysis
          Marine Science Senior Seminar



          Biological Oceanography
          Geological Oceanography
          Calculus I
          Earth Materials


          Earth Structure
          Calculus II
          Physics I and II
          Introduction to Computer Science


          Solid Earth Geophysics
          General Chemistry I and II
          Calculus III
          Marine Science Junior Seminar


          Differential Equations
          Upper-level geology elective
          Chemical and Physical Oceanography
          Marine Science Senior Seminar



          Biological Oceanography
          Geological Oceanography
          Calculus I
          General Chemistry I and II


          Earth Materials
          Physics I and II
          Calculus II
          Earth Systems History


          Earth Structure
          Marine Stratigraphy and Sedimentation
          Upper level geology elective or Statistics
          Marine Science Junior Seminar


          2 Upper-level geology electives
          Chemical and Physical Oceanography
          Marine Science Senior Seminar

    The minor in marine science consists of five courses to include the following: Biological Oceanography, Geological Oceanography, Chemical and Physical Oceanography, and two marine science courses above MS 210 (e.g., Marine Mammalogy, Marine Geochemistry, Marine Stratigraphy and Sedimentation, Comparative Physiology, or Ecology). These courses must not duplicate courses used by students to satisfy major requirements.

    See Biology for course descriptions for the following: BI 301 Ecology, BI 312 Plant Ecology, and BI 314 Comparative Physiology.

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