Bachelor Degree in Business Administration

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Comments about Bachelor Degree in Business Administration - At the institution - Saint Petersburg - FL - Florida

  • Course description
     The business administration major focuses on teaching the core skill set that constitutes the accepted body of knowledge with the discipline. The business administration is geared to the student who wants to pursue a career within a for-profit corporate organization and/or a Masters in Business Administration.

    Students in the business administration major will develop the following competencies:

        * Management under uncertain conditions including policy determination at the senior management level
        * Operations Management in businesses producing both goods and services
        * Marketing of business products
        * Using Management Information Systems
        * Accounting practices in business
        * Financing the business
        * Economics of the business and of the larger environment within which the business operates
        * Knowledge of the legal environment of organizations
        * Ethical issues confronting business in both domestic and international spheres

    The course sequence for a major in business administration is as follows:


          MN 100S Principles of Management and Leadership
          MN 271S Principles of Accounting
          MN 272S Management Information Systems


          EC 281S Microeconomics
          EC 282S Macroeconomics
          MN 260M Statistical Methods in Management and Economics
          MN 278S Business Law


          MN 220 Quantitative Methods for Management and Economics
          IB 369S Principles of Marketing
          MN 310 Operations Management
          MN 371 Organizational Behavior and Leadership
          MN 377 Introduction to Business Finance or IB 378 Investment Finance


          MN 372 Accounting II
          IB 376 Personnel & Global Human Resources
          MN 498 Business Policy and Strategic Management

    Business Administration majors are required to complete each course with a grade of C- or better. Students who major in business administration may not also major or minor in management.

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