Bachelor Degree in Leadership Studies

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  • Course description
    Leadership Studies Major

    The grade point average of the coursework comprising the major must be no less than 2.0, with no course grade below a C- (1.7). Students wishing to major or minor in leadership studies should apply for admission to the Jepson School of Leadership Studies during the fall semester of their second year. The Leadership Studies major consists of a minimum of 11 units. Undergraduate catalog

              Required Courses

        * LDST 101 Leadership and the Humanities
        * LDST 102 Leadership and the Social Sciences
        * LDST 205 Justice and Civil Society
        * LDST 249 Research Methods (.5 units)  
        * LDST 250 Critical Thinking (.5 units)
        * LDST 300 Theories and Models of Leadership
        * LDST 450 Leadership Ethics
        * LDST 488 Internship
        * Four additional units of advances courses numbered above 300, not including LDST450 and LDST 488.

    Advanced coursework may include one unit of collaborative study, one unit of independent study, one unit of honors thesis work, or one unit of senior thesis work.

              Advanced Courses

    Advanced courses in leadership studies hae a primary focus in one of three areas: Social/Organizational, Historical, and Ethical. Students can meet the advanced course requirement by taking courses from any of the areas. These courses are offered on a rotating basis.

        * LDST 302 Leadership in Organizations
        * LDST 303 Leadership in Political Contexts
        * LDST 304 Social Movements
        * LDST 306 Leadership in Cultural and Historical Contexts
        * LDST 307 Leadership in International Contexts
        * LDST 308 The Creation of the American Republic
        * LDST 320 Good and Evil
        * LDST 325 Leading Socially Active Businesses
        * LDST 340 Early Modern Crises in Leadership
        * LDST 342 Dead Leaders Society
        * LDST 345 Civil War Leadership
        * LDST 351 Group Dynamics
        * LDST 352 Presidential Leadership
        * LDST 354 Conflict Resolution
        * LDST 355 Competition, Cooperation, and Choice
        * LDST 356 Leading Change
        * LDST 359 Gender and Leadership
        * LDST 361 Sex, Power, and Politics
        * LDST 371 Moral Limits of the Criminal Law
        * LDST 374 Contemporary Debates in Democratic Theory
        * LDST 376 Leadership and Governance in the Contemporary American Metropolis
        * LDST 377 Ethical Decision Making in Health Care
        * LDST 378 Statesmanship
        * LDST 379 Reason, Rhetoric, and Leadership
        * LDST 386 Leadership in a Diverse Society
        * LDST 387 Leadership and Religious Values
        * LDST 390 Selected Topics
        * LDST 399 Junior Honors Tutorial
        * LDST 450 Leadership Ethics
        * LDST 490 Independent Study
        * LDST 491 Collaborative Study
        * LDST 492 Directed Study
        * LDST 495-496 Senior Thesis I and II
        * LDST 497-498 Senior Honors Thesis I and II

    Leadership Studies Minor

    Students wishing to minor in leadership studies should apply for admission to the Jepson School of Leadership Studies during the fall semester of their second year. The Leadership Studies minor consists of a minimum of 8 units. Undergraduate catalog

              Required Courses

        * LDST 101 Leadership and the Humanities
        * LDST 102 Leadership and the Social Sciences
        * LDST 205 Justice and Civil Society
        * LDST 249 Research Methods (.5 units)
        * LDST 250 Critical Thinking (.5 units)
        * LDST 300 Theories and Models of Leadership
        * LDST 450 Leadership Ethics
        * Two additional units of advanced courses numbered above 300, not including Leadership Ethics, collaborative study, independent study, or thesis work.

              Advanced Courses

    Advanced courses in leadership studies hae a primary focus in one of three areas: Social/Organizational, Historical, and Ethical. Students can meet the advanced course requirement by taking courses from any of the areas. These courses are offered on a rotating basis.

        * LDST 302 Leadership in Organizations
        * LDST 303 Leadership in Political Contexts
        * LDST 304 Social Movements
        * LDST 306 Leadership in Cultural and Historical Contexts
        * LDST 307 Leadership in International Contexts
        * LDST 308 The Creation of the American Republic
        * LDST 320 Good and Evil
        * LDST 325 Leading Socially Active Businesses
        * LDST 340 Early Modern Crises in Leadership
        * LDST 342 Dead Leaders Society
        * LDST 345 Civil War Leadership
        * LDST 351 Group Dynamics
        * LDST 352 Presidential Leadership
        * LDST 354 Conflict Resolution
        * LDST 355 Competition, Cooperation, and Choice
        * LDST 356 Leading Change
        * LDST 359 Gender and Leadership
        * LDST 361 Sex, Power, and Politics
        * LDST 371 Moral Limits of the Criminal Law
        * LDST 374 Contemporary Debates in Democratic Theory
        * LDST 376 Leadership and Governance in the Contemporary American Metropolis
        * LDST 377 Ethical Decision Making in Health Care
        * LDST 378 Statesmanship
        * LDST 379 Reason, Rhetoric, and Leadership
        * LDST 386 Leadership in a Diverse Society
        * LDST 387 Leadership and Religious Values
        * LDST 390 Selected Topics
        * LDST 399 Junior Honors Tutorial
        * LDST 450 Leadership Ethics
        * LDST 490 Independent Study
        * LDST 491 Collaborative Study
        * LDST 492 Directed Study
        * LDST 495-496 Senior Thesis I and II
        * LDST 497-498 Senior Honors Thesis I and II

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