Course description
The Theatre Major
Note: The grade point average of the coursework comprising the major must be no less than 2.00 with no course grade below C- (1.7). Upper-level courses are taught on a rotating basis.
11 units, including
Production participation - THTR 399 Leadership in Production (0 units)
Diversity, one unit chosen from
THTR 210 Performing Diversity: A Cultural Odyssey
THTR 313 Theatre for Social Change I
THTR 314 Theatre for Social Change II
History, two units chosen from
THTR 309 Theatre History I
THTR 319 Theatre History II
THTR 321 History of Apparel
Production Studies, three units including
THTR 205 Production Studies I-Fundamentals of Theatre
THTR 306 Production Studies II- Analysis, Conceptualization and Problem Solving
THTR 407 Production Studies III-Collaboration and Production
Performance, one unit chosen from
THTR 212 Basics of Acting
THTR 219 Ensemble Performance
THTR 308 Basics of Directing
THTR 327 Acting Shakespeare I
THTR 328 Acting Shakespeare II
DANC 238 Introduction to Contact Improvisation
DANC 248 Introduction to Movement Improvisation
DANC 255 Choreography
DANC 256 Beginning Jazz Dance
DANC 257 Beginning Ballet
DANC 258 Writing from the Body: Words and Movement
DANC 259 Beginning Tap Dance
DANC 260 Beginning Modern Dance
DANC 261 Intermediate Jazz Dance
DANC 262 Intermediate Tap Dance
DANC 263 Intermediate Modern Dance
DANC 266 Intermediate Ballet
DANC 306 University Dancers
DANC 356 Pointe and Variations
DANC 361 Advanced Jazz Dance
DANC 362 Advanced Tap Dance
DANC 363 Advanced Modern Dance
DANC 366 Advanced Ballet
Technical Theatre, one unit chosen from
THTR 201 Stagecraft
THTR 206 Introduction to Costume
THTR 213 Fundamentals of Stage Makeup
Theory, one unit chosen from
THTR 320 Advanced Acting: Twentieth-Century Acting Styles and Theory
THTR 325 Script Analysis
THTR 370 Staging Gender
Theatre Design, one unit chosen from
THTR 202 Stage Lighting
THTR 301 Scene Design
THTR 302 Scene Painting
THTR 322 Advanced Costume Design
One unit, approved by the theatre department, in art history, studio art, or music
Theatre 330-341 (Practica) and 388 (Internship) cannot be counted in the major.
No course units can be counted toward both a major in theatre and a minor in dance.