Sociology is the systematic analysis of social life. The department seeks to expand students’ awareness of the often-subtle social structures that are shaped by groups, organizations, and institutions. Among the topics explored are:
- Race-ethnic relations
- Gender
- Stratification
- Criminology
- Deviance
- Medicine
- Work
- Families
- Religion
- Organizations
- Sports
We invite you to learn more by planning a visit to the Sociology Department. You can schedule a class visit and/or meet with a professor .
Sociology Courses
- SOC 101 - Introductory Sociology
- SOC 204 - Self & Society
- SOC 205 - Racial and Ethnic Relations
- SOC 212 - Deviance and Social Control
- SOC 217 - Gender and Society
- SOC 219 - Sociological Criminology
- SOC 230 - Sociology of Work
- SOC 231 - Leadership & Organizations
- SOC 246 - American Families
- SOC 250 - Inequality in America
- SOC 260 - Social Statistics
- SOC 261 - Social Diversity & Inequality in Education (=EDU 260)
- SOC 271 - Urban Ethnography
- SOC 310 - Gender, Race, and Sports
- SOC 312 - Gender, Race and Class in Media
- SOC 317 - Gender and Globalization
- SOC 319 - Penology and Criminal Justice
- SOC 330 - Sociology of Education (=EDU 330
- SOC 347 - Sociology of Development
- SOC 360 - Medical Sociology
- SOC 370 - Theory in Sociology
- SOC 380 - Sociology of Hollywood
- SOC 382 - Men and Masculinity
- SOC 384 - Poverty and Policy
- SOC 395 or 495 - Independent Research in Sociology
- SOC 399 - Methods in Social Research
- SOC 410-419 - Advanced Seminars in Sociology
- SOC 420 - Issues in Contemporary Terrorism
- SOC 430 - Race and Religious Faith
- SOC 499 - Senior Thesis