Bachelor of Arts in Elementary Education

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Comments about Bachelor of Arts in Elementary Education - At the institution - Sioux City - Iowa

  • Course description

    The department of education offers an elementary education major, a secondary education major and minor, and education courses for endorsements in academic disciplines. Students successfully completing the professional preparation program for teacher education are eligible to apply for teacher licensure. The Teacher Preparation Program complies with and is accredited by the State of Iowa Department of Education.

    Teacher Preparation Program
    The professional preparation program for teaching in private and public schools begins with the Educational Foundations course. This course includes 10 hours of field experience mandated by the Iowa Department of Education and serves as the gateway to the education program. It is a prerequisite for all other education courses. Students who complete the requirements for this course are eligible to apply for admission to the education department. The application, available from the chair of the education department, is to be submitted by March 15 of the year in which the foundations course is taken.

    Acceptance into the Teacher Preparation Program
    The formal application for acceptance into the Teacher Preparation Program is screened by the Teacher Education Committee. The screening criteria include:

    1. a grade of “C” in WRTG 109 or passing the writing competency in the education department;
    2. a cumulative and major grade point average of 2.5;
    3. a grade of “C” in accepted speech course or passing the speech competency in the education department;
    4. a letter of nomination from a Briar Cliff University faculty member outside the education department;
    5. successful completion of the pre-professional skills test (PPST) (reading 173, writing 172, mathematics 172);
    6. other appropriate items—e.g., mathematics, speaking, writing, listening assessments and/or a personal interview;
    7. an understanding of and personal characteristics necessary to teaching; and,
    8. Teacher Education Advisory Committee recommendation of acceptance.

    When accepted, the student is notified. If a student does not meet the above criteria, the reasons for non-acceptance will be given to the student.

    Once accepted into the Teacher Preparation Program, students are required to maintain the standards under which they were accepted. Personal qualities required of a teacher are also required of students in the education department. These qualities include but are not limited to: the ability to complete work on time, punctuality and attendance, the ability to accept guidance in teaching, and the ability to relate to other people.

    To enroll in 300 and 400 level courses in the professional core, students must be admitted to the Teacher Preparation Program. this includes EDUC01IR and EDUC02IR 97

    EDEL 241 Children's Literature, 3 sem. hrs.  (Spring) The study of literature, encompassing PK-8, either expressly written for children or given to children, including folklore, poetry, fantasy, modern realistic fiction, biography, historical fiction, multicultural and informational books. Prerequisite WRTG 109 or permission of instructor.   

     EDEL 335 Methods and Materials in Elementary Mathematics, 3 sem. hrs.  (Fall) Principles and methods for teaching elementary mathematics will be emphasized in the course. Practical application of concepts through the use of manipulative and interdisciplinary approaches are included in this course.   

    EDEL 341 Social Studies for the Elementary Classroom, 2 sem. hrs . (Winter) Principles and methods of teaching social studies in the elementary school. Emphasis in placed on interdisciplinary unit planning/construction, study skills, media/technology, and multiculturalism. Integration of learning and cooperative learning strategies are demonstrated. Prerequisite: EDUC 210, EDUC 250.    

    EDEL 461 Language Arts in the Elementary School, 3 sem. hrs . (Fall)
    This is an introductory course which emphasizes the principles and methodology of teaching language arts skills (grammar, spelling, listening, thinking, speaking, and writing.) Prerequisites: EDUC 210, 250, EDEL/ENGL 241 or permission of instructor. 
    EDEL 464 Introduction to Language Development and Reading Disabilities, 3 sem. hrs . (Spring) This course emphasizes the teaching of language development, corrective and remedial reading problems and strategies. Informal and formal assessment measures are studied. Prerequisites: EDEL 461, 462, EDEL/ENG 241.  

    EDEL 465 Practicum in the Diagnosis of and Prescription for Corrective and  Remedial Reading, 3 sem. hrs. (Spring) This course has students apply the knowledge and skills from EDEL 464. Students will study the causes of reading difficulties, instruction in the administration and interpretation of tests, and use case histories in the analysis of data. Small group and individual student diagnosis and remediation are employed through a 30 hr. practicum. Prerequisites: taken concurrently with SPED
    EDEL 466 Elementary Reading and Content Area Instruction, 4 sem. hrs.
    This course emphasizes research-based reading, writing, vocabulary and assessment strategies and practices for teaching reading effectively in the elementary classroom.  Particular emphasis will also be given to text structure, vacabulary and comprehension for teaching reading in content areas.  Prerequisites: EDUC 210, EDUC 250, EDEL 241, EDEL 461

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