Bachelor of Arts in Geology

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Comments about Bachelor of Arts in Geology - At the institution - Alfred - NY - New York

  • Course description
    Firm foundation
    Alfred University's geology major provides an educational framework that allows students, no matter what their background, to pursue an understanding of our planet, the processes acting on it, and its history in order to gain a better appreciation of human interactions with our geologic environment. We provide the foundation students need to pursue graduate programs in geology, environmental science, hydrology, or planetary science; to teach high school earth science; or to pursue a career using geology. Students who simply wish to learn more about the earth are welcome as well.

    Interdisciplinary approach

    Geology has always been interdisciplinary, and the geology program at Alfred University prides itself on being welcoming and receptive to students with a wide variety of backgrounds and interests. Over the years we have successfully embraced the world-view of artists and engineers, athletes and nerds, wallflowers and actors. Each has brought insights and perspectives that have enriched the learning experiences of all.

    The roles played by physics, chemistry and biology, and their interactions on and within the earth, form a rich base. How data from these fields are acquired, processed, and interpreted, (today and historically) provides fertile material for intellectual exploration. In our program, studentsl find their imagination stretched, their computational skills exercised, and their perceptions enhanced.

    As is generally true in the liberal arts curriculum, our goal is to enrich a student's life by introducing new ways of thinking. This, in turn, will change the way one conceives of the earth, of time, and of nature itself.

    Major Requirements

    General Geology Track
    At least one introductory course from the following ( [ ] designates credits hours) GEOL 101 Physical Geology [4]
    GEOL 103 Earthquakes and Volcanoes [4]
    GEOL 104 Historical Geology [4]
    GEOL 105 Environmental Geology [4]
    GEOL 106 Elementary Oceanography [4]
    GEOL 109 The Physical World [4]

    All of the following:
    GEOL 301 Structural Geology [4]
    GEOL 304 Field Methods [2]
    or an approved Field Camp at another institution
    GEOL 302 Mineralogy and Petrology [4]
    GEOL 201 Surficial Geology [4]
    ENVS 205 Data Analysis [4]
    GEOL 464 Hydrogeology [4]
    or ENVS 351 Biogeochemistry [4]

    At least 8 credit hours from the following:
    GEOL 200 History of Earth Systems [4]
    GEOL 307 Stratigraphy and Sedimentation [4]
    GEOL 408 Tectonics [4]
    GEOL 414 Geophysics [4]
    GEOL 424 Clay Mineralogy [4]
    GEOL 440 Glacial Geology [4]
    GEOL 464 Hydrogeology [4]
    ENVS 220 Introductory GIS [4]
    ENVS 351 Environmental Biogeochemistry [4]
    ENVS 320 Advanced GIS [4]
    ENVS 300 Climate Change [2]

    Non-introductory courses in Chemistry, Physics, and/or Ceramic Engineering/Material Science may also be counted toward the Geology major with permission from the Division Chair.

    Earth Science Education Track
    At least one introductory course from the following ( [ ] designates credits hours) GEOL 101 Physical Geology [4]
    GEOL 103 Earthquakes and Volcanoes [4]
    GEOL 104 Historical Geology [4]
    GEOL 105 Environmental Geology [4]
    GEOL 106 Elementary Oceanography [4]
    GEOL 109 The Physical World [4]

    All of the following:
    GEOL 301 Structural Geology [4]
    GEOL 304 Field Methods [2]
    or an approved Field Camp at another institution
    GEOL 302 Mineralogy and Petrology [4]
    GEOL 201 Surficial Geology [4]
    GEOL 464 Hydrogeology [4]
    or ENVS 351 Biogeochemistry [4]
    MAT 109 Mathematics for Early Childhood/Childhood Teachers [4]

    At least 8 credit hours from the following:
    GEOL 200 History of Earth Systems [4]
    GEOL 307 Stratigraphy and Sedimentation [4]
    GEOL 408 Tectonics [4]
    GEOL 414 Geophysics [4]
    GEOL 424 Clay Mineralogy [3]
    GEOL 440 Glacial Geology [4]
    GEOL 464 Hydrogeology (counts as an elective only if not counted above) [4]
    ENVS 220 Introductory GIS [4]
    ENVS 351 Environmental Biogeochemistry [4]
    ENVS 320 Advanced GIS [4]
    ENVS 300 Climate Change [2]
    SCI 110 Weather Elements [2]
    ASTR 103 Intro to Astronomy [4]
    ASTR 107 Astronomy Lab [2]

    Planetary Geology Track
    At least one introductory course from the following:
    GEOL 101 Physical Geology [4]
    GEOL 103 Earthquakes and Volcanoes [4]
    GEOL 104 Historical Geology [4]
    GEOL 105 Environmental Geology [4]
    GEOL 106 Elementary Oceanography [4]
    GEOL 109 The Physical World [4]

    All of the following:
    GEOL 301 Structural Geology [4]
    GEOL 302 Mineralogy and Petrology [4]
    GEOL 201 Surficial Geology [4]
    GEOL 464 Hydrogeology [4]
    or ENVS 351 Biogeochemistry [4]
    MATH 151 Calculus I [4]
    MATH 152 Calculus II [4]
    ASTR 302 Planetary Science [4]
    CHEM 105 General Chemistry I [4]
    CHEM 106 General Chemistry II [4]

    At least 8 credit hours from the following:
    GEOL 408 Tectonics [4]
    GEOL 414 Geophysics [4]
    GEOL 464 Hydrogeology [4]
    CHEM 343 Physical Chemistry I [4]
    CHEM 344 Physical Chemistry II [4]
    CEMS 220 Mechanics of Materials [4]
    CEMS 235 Thermodynamics of Materials [4]

    Non-introductory courses in Chemistry, Physics, and/or Ceramic Engineering/Material Science may also be counted toward the Geology major with permission from the Division Chair.

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