Bachelor of Fine Arts in Interior Design

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Comments about Bachelor of Fine Arts in Interior Design - At the institution - Atlanta - GA - Georgia

  • Course description
    The Interior Design program at AIU is designed to provide students with the skills needed to improve the quality of life, to increase the productivity, and to protect the health, safety and welfare of the public through creative and innovative design solutions. The program offers students relevant and up-to-date research and information within the field, which can help them to excel in this competitive field.

    Career Opportunities

    The BFA in Interior Design is designed to prepare student to practice as interior designers in a variety of professional settings.

    Challenging, Relevant Coursework

    The BFA in Interior Design features industry-relevant coursework taught by faculty members with real-world experience in the field. During this degree program, students are asked to develop a design concept for an interior space and transform this concept into a practical, functional, yet innovative and exciting environment that meets the needs of the client. Students also use computer-aided design technology to develop and enhance their individual projects.

    Students who successfully complete the program should be able to:

        * Apply principles of design to interior projects in a variety of styles.
        * Complete and evaluate all steps of design projects, such as analyzing client needs, relating human needs to the built environment, developing schematic plans, planning space, and preparing drawings and other documents.
        * Describe technical and aesthetic aspects of building structure and interior materials.
        * Use technology and communication skills for effective interior design.
        * Combine aesthetic and functional aspects of design to provide interior spaces that will enhance quality of life.
        * Design projects for a variety of environments, considering factors such as special populations, diverse income levels, redesigning existing structures, new construction, restoration, and reuse.
        * Discuss aspects of the professional practice of interior designers, such as business organizations, ethics, liability, and legal requirements.
        * Research current information and trends in the interior design field.

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