Part science and part art, photography can seem like a medium where two different worlds collide. If you're like most photography students, it's that combination that intrigues and excites you. Technical and creative aspects of photography are equally important – neither can work alone. At CCS you learn to successfully blend art and science to create commercial and creative photography.
Because photographers are crucial to many fields of visual creation and design, photography is like an
"all access pass" to numerous careers, some high profile, some behind the scenes, all potentially interesting and rewarding. Our innovative faculty will introduce you to the forefront of the field, preparing you not just for the present, but the future.
Here you learn:
- Black and White Fundamentals
- Color Theory and Process
- Digital Imaging
- Fine Art Photography
- Commercial Photography
- Digital Output and Color Management
Our graduates work as:
- Photo Journalism
- Documentary Photography
- Fine Art Photography
- Biomedical Photography
- Studio Photography
- College Level Photography Instruction
- Fashion
- Photography
- Portrait
- Photography
- Forensic Photography