Bachelor of Science (BS) in Direct and Interactive Marketing

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Comments about Bachelor of Science (BS) in Direct and Interactive Marketing - At the institution - New York - NY - New York

  • Course description
    If you’ve bought anything from the J. Crew catalogue or on, received a college brochure in the mail, or signed an online petition for a political candidate, you’ve seen direct/interactive marketing in action. Like other marketers, direct marketers do research, identify customers, select the media (TV, direct mail, internet), and create a campaign. But rather than guess whether the message worked, they track the consumer’s response. How many people (and of what age, ethnic group, income level) called the number in the catalogue, clicked the button on the website, or went to the store for their “gift with purchase”? Because direct marketers can measure the results, they can make the next campaign even better. 

    Direct marketing (DM) is about selling not only products, but ideas. Many organizations, like political campaigns and social advocacy groups, are using it to raise awareness of—and funds for—their cause. Many industries and companies, including luxury brands, like its targeted approach and lower cost, making Direct and Interactive Marketing a growth field. 

    In this program, you’ll learn to craft campaigns that produce results. You’ll study internet marketing, media planning, and direct marketing communications, and get hands-on experience that includes developing multifaceted campaigns for actual products. A faculty of working professionals brings current expertise to the classroom, and connects you to this dynamic industry. 

    • FIT offers the country’s only bachelor’s degree in direct and interactive marketing. 
    • Direct and interactive marketing is the fastest-growing segment of the advertising and marketing industry. 
    • FIT's faculty memberships in the Direct Marketing Educational Foundation, Direct Marketing Club of New York, and Direct Marketing Idea Exchange (DMIX) provide students with extensive industry support.

    In this program, you’ll: 
    • experience your industry in an  internship  at a leading direct response or e-commerce company such as J. Walter Thompson, Gucci Online, or Wunderman/Y&R. 
    • make connections with industry executives at direct marketing and interactive companies in New York City. 
    • receive a paid student membership to the Direct Marketing Club of New York. 
    • attend industry conferences and compete for industry-sponsored scholarships. 
    • have an opportunity for a summer internship in London.

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