Course description
Applied physicists often do interdisciplinary work in areas that combine elements of both physics and engineering. Industrial laboratories such as Lucent Technology, Xerox, General Electric, Ford, Westinghouse, and IBM support applied and basic research in areas such as condensed matter physics, materials science, optics, electronics, and communications. Large government laboratories such as Brookhaven, Oak Ridge, Fermilab, Livermore, Argonne, Los Alamos, and Lincoln Labs - support both basic and applied research in many areas such as high-energy physics, nuclear physics, medical physics, energy research, and solid state physics. Opportunities exist for physics graduates as computer programmers, technicians, and research assistants in university, government, and industrial laboratories. With a bachelor's degree and the appropriate certification, graduates can teach high school physics and obtain the certification to teach mathematics as well. Graduate study in astronomy, engineering, and physics, as well as law and medical school, are open to the qualified applied physics B.S. recipient and will lead to advanced degrees and higher-level professional appointment opportunities with the above institutions, as well as, the possibility of university faculty status.
Strongly recommended courses
Classical Mechanics
Electromagnetic Fields & Waves
Thermal Physics
Computational Methods in Physics & Engineering
Digital Electronics Intro.
Chemistry I Intro.
Chemistry I Lab Intro.
Chemistry II Intro.
Chemistry II
Lab Computer Science I Intro. to Linear Algebra Differential Equations
Other recommended courses (may vary depending on type of engineering)
Optics Modern Physics II
Analog Circuits
Quantum Mechanics
Advanced Microprocessor Inter & Robotics Microcontrollers Internship
Organic Chem I
Organic Chem Lab I
Intro to Physical Geology
Intro to Environmental and Applied Geology
Intro to Life Science I
Intro to Life Science II
Intro to Botany
Intro to Zoology
Environmental Studies
Computer Science - II Assembly Language & Machine Operation Numerical Methods Methods of Applied Mathematics