Course description
Undergraduate Business
The BSBA Degree
The Bachelor of Science in Business Administration is built upon a broad foundation including no less than 50 percent of all courses taken in the liberal arts and a business curriculum offering both depth and breadth.
After one year in the School of Arts and Sciences, students may declare their intent to major in Business Administration, Accounting, or Economics. Beginning with the class entering in the Fall of 2010, students interested in pursuing a major or minor in the Robins School of Business (Business Administration, Economics or Accounting) must have a 2.7 GPA after completing at least 12 units at the end of three semesters of college coursework, including ECON 101, ACCT 201, and MATH 211 or 231 (or their equivalent).
Students may have only one major in the school of business, chosen from accounting, business administration, or economics. A concentration(s) may be attached to any of these majors but is only required for the business administration major.
*First Year Core Course
*Communications Skills I - Expository Writing
*Communications Skills II - Foreign Language
*Fields of Study (Historical, Literary, Natural Sciences, Social Analysis, Symbolic Reasoning and Visual and Performing Arts)
*Wellness, PLUS 2
Library and Information Skills Workshops
We strongly recommended that students complete their pre-business requirements (ECON 101-102, ACCT 201-202, BUAD 201, BUAD 203, MATH 211) during their first two years on campus. After meeting these requirements, students may select from six concentrations and in-depth study within these concentrations.