Bachelor of Science in Chemistry

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Comments about Bachelor of Science in Chemistry - At the institution - Emory - VA - Virginia

  • Course description
    Chemistry is a study of matter — the composition of substances, their properties, and how they behave and interact. Chemistry helps us to understand the world around us and in us, as well as inner and outer space. It is the "central science" essential to all other sciences.

    A career in chemistry provides challenges in many specialized fields, such as organic, physical, inorganic, analytical, and polymer chemistry; biochemistry; superconductivity; biotechnology; and materials science. Chemists have many opportunities, including work in industry, research and development, teaching, technical writing, and reporting for news organizations. A chemistry major is especially suited to those pursuing careers in medicine, dentistry, pharmacy, law, and environmental science.

    Degree Program
    The chemistry department offers bachelor of science and bachelor of arts degrees in chemistry. If you are interested in teaching you may earn a B.A. degree with teacher certification.

    Support Programs
    The Emory & Henry chemistry department provides you with enrichment programs that enhance your position in competing for jobs and graduate school placement.

    The college's chapter of the Student Affiliate of the American Chemical Society sponsors lectures, trips to ACS meetings, and social functions.

    A group of six former chemistry graduates has established the Friends of the Sciences (FOTS) to sponsor summer research opportunities for our science students. The group provides stipends and site placements for students to conduct research at well-known laboratories.

    Participation in research is an important aspect of chemistry at Emory & Henry. In recent years, our students have successfully competed for Langley Aerospace Research Summer Scholars (LARSS) Fellowships with the National Aeronautics and Space Administration; National Science Foundation Undergraduate Summer Research Fellowships (NSF-REU) enabling research at Columbia University, the University of Virginia, the University of Kentucky, and the College of William and Mary; United States Department of Energy (DOE) research semesters at Lawrence Livermore and Oak Ridge National Laboratories; and Emory & Henry FOTS fellowships for conducting research at Brown University, Duke University, the University of Georgia, VPI & SU, and Wake Forest University. You also may complete internships in local industry, hospitals, and pharmacies to gain work experience in your potential career. You will have opportunities to work and learn as a chemistry tutor or lab assistant. Your knowledge of chemistry will extend well beyond the classroom.

    The Chemistry Department recently benefited from a significant grant from the National Science Foundation which was matched by Emory & Henry. A state-of-the-art Fourier Transform Infrared Spectrometer (FTIR), a Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometer (GC-MS), an Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer (AA), and an Ion Chromatograph (IC) were purchased. They compliment existing instrumentation including a Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectrometer (NMR), an Ultraviolet-Visible Spectrometer (UV-VIS), and a High Performance Liquid Chromatograph (HPLC). A computer lab for molecular modeling, an on-line literature search, and tutorials are among the department’s resources.

    Course Information
    Taking chemistry and as much mathematics as possible before entering Emory & Henry will help prepare you for the chemistry program. Because chemistry correlates to other sciences, you may choose to double major. A double major or minor in physics, biology, mathematics, computer science, environmental studies, or economics and business works well with a major in chemistry.

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