Bachelor of Science in Computer Science and Engineering

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Comments about Bachelor of Science in Computer Science and Engineering - At the institution - Los Angeles - California

  • Objectives
    The computer science and engineering undergraduate program educational objectives are that our alumni (1) make valuable technical contributions to design, development, and production in their practice of computer science and computer engineering, in related engineering or application areas, and at the interface of computers and physical systems, (2) demonstrate strong communication skills and the ability to function effectively as part of a team, (3) demonstrate a sense of societal and ethical responsibility in their professional endeavors, and (4) engage in professional development or postgraduate education to pursue flexible career paths amid future technological changes.
  • Course description
    The ABET-accredited computer science and engineering curriculum at UCLA provides the education and training necessary to design, implement, test, and utilize the hardware and software of digital computers and digital systems. The curriculum has components spanning both the Computer Science and Electrical Engineering Departments. Within the curriculum students study all aspects of computer systems from electronic design through logic design, MSI, LSI, and VLSI concepts and device utilization, machine language design, implementation and programming, operating system concepts, systems programming, networking fundamentals, higher-level language skills, and application of these to systems. Students are prepared for employment in a wide spectrum of high-technology industries.

    The computer science and engineering curriculum is accredited by the Computing Accreditation Commission and the Engineering Accreditation Commission of ABET, 111 Market Place, Suite 1050, Baltimore, MD 21202-4012, (410) 347-7700.

    Preparation for the Major

    Required: Chemistry and Biochemistry 20A; Computer Science 1, 31, 32, 33, 35L, M51A (or Electrical Engineering M16); Electrical Engineering 1, 2, 10; Mathematics 31A, 31B, 32A, 32B, 33A, 33B, 61; Physics 1A, 1B, 4AL, 4BL.

    The Major

    Required: Computer Science 101, 111, 118, 131, M151B (or Electrical Engineering M116C), M152A (or Electrical Engineering M116L), 152B, 180, 181, Electrical Engineering 102, 110, 110L, 115A, 115C, Statistics 110A; three technical breadth courses (12 units) selected from an approved list available in the Office of Academic and Student Affairs; and three upper division computer science elective courses (12 units), one of which must be selected from Computer Science 143 or 161 or 174A. The remaining two elective courses must be selected from Computer Science 112, 113, M117 (or Electrical Engineering M117), CM121 (or Chemistry and Biochemistry CM160A), CM122 (or Chemistry and Biochemistry CM160B), CM124 (or Human Genetics CM124), 130, 132, 133, 136, 143, 144, 151C, 161, 170A, M171L (or Electrical Engineering M171L), 174A, 174B, C174C, 183, M186A (or Biomedical Engineering M186A or Computational and Systems Biology M186A), CM186B (or Biomedical Engineering CM186B or Computational and Systems Biology M186B), CM186C (or Biomedical Engineering CM186C or Computational and Systems Biology M186C). Electrical Engineering 103 may be substituted for one elective (credit is not given for both Computer Science 170A and Electrical Engineering 103 unless one of the courses is included in the technical breadth area); 4 units of either Computer Science 194 or 199 may be applied as an elective by petition.

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