Bachelor of Science in Environmental Studies

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Comments about Bachelor of Science in Environmental Studies - At the institution - Helena - MT - Montana

  • Course description
    The Environmental Studies major is interdisciplinary in nature. The program's core courses provide students with a common interdisciplinary base to enable them to learn basic data analysis, understand foundational issues, and see the relationship of environmental ideas from several fields of study.

    The core is not limited to classroom learning: students will do research in campus and area laboratories, work in the field with professionals in government, industry or the nonprofit sector, and strive to use their classroom, research, and field education and experiences in practical efforts to improve the Helena-area environment.

    The areas of concentration enable students with varying academic and career interests and abilities, who share a common interest in the environment, to become proficient in an area that best prepares them for their future work.

    Major Program Requirements:
    ES 101 Human Ecology
    ES/BI XX Environmental Science
    GIS 110 Introduction to GIS
    EC 201 Principles of Economics
    AN/SO 218 Introduction to Native American Studies
    PHI L 206 Environmental Ethics
    EAS 201 Earth Science
    PO 330 Topics: Green Political Thought
    TH 3XX  Religion and Science
    ES 495 Environmental Studies Seminar

    Environmental Studies students are strongly encouraged to engage one or more of the following applied experiences:
    ES 201 Environmental Studies Practicum
    ES 496 Internship
    ES 498 Environmental Studies Research/Project

    Environmental Studies Students are required to select an academic concentration to direct their studies in an area of dedicated interest:


    BI 171-172 Biological Principles
    CH 101-102 General Chemistry
    ES 2xx Conservation Biology/Wildlife Management
    ES 3xx Soil Science
    BI 306 Plant Biology
    BI 311 Ecology
    EAS 302 Advanced Earth Science
    Strongly Recommended Courses:
    GIS 2XX GIS Databases
    BI 300 Genetics
    CH 301 Organic Chemistry
    BI 370 Evolutionary Analysis
    GIS 3XX GIS Remote Sensing and Data Acquisition
    GIS 4XX GIS Geospatial Data Analysis
    ENWR 305 Technical Writing


    CH 101 General Chemistry I
    CH 102 General Chemistry II
    CH 205 Quantitative Analysis
    CH 301 Organic Chemistry
    CH 3XX    Environmental Chemistry
    MA 121-122 or MA 131
    Plus seven additional credits from the following:
    ENGR 202 Water Dist. Systems
    CH 306 Instrumental Methods
    ENGR 313 Hydrology
    ENGR 402 Env. Engineering
    ES 3XX    Soil Science
    EAS 302 Advanced Earth Science
    Strongly Recommended Course:
    ENWR 305 Technical Writing

    Community Formation

    CH 111 Essentials of Chemistry – General
    CO 206 Small Group Communication
    CO 215 /216 Introduction to Public Relations
    CO 280 Gender Communications
    CO 308 Communication Ethics
    EC 202 Principles of Economics
    PO 314 Public Administration and Politics
    SO 215 Rural and Urban Sociology
    PAD 205 Introduction to Public Administration
    Strongly Recommended Courses:
    MA 207 Elementary Statistics
    AN 318 American Indians
    GIS 3XX GIS Remote Sensing and Data Acquisition

    Cultural Integration

    AN/SO 318 American Indians
    CO 325 Intercultural Communication
    ENWR 337 Nature Writing
    ENLT 411 Native American Authors
    HI 231 Montana and the West
    HI 424 H story of the Trans-Mississippi West
    PHI L 255 Philosophy of Art and Beauty
    PHI L 252 Philosophy & History of Science
    PO 250 Contemporary Issues in American Politics
    TH 209 Christian Social Teachings
    Strongly Recommended Course:
    MA 207 Elementary Statistics

    Public Policy & Management
    MA 117 Difference Equations and Linear Algebra
    CH 111 Essentials of Chemistry - General
    EC 202 Principles of Economics
    EC 309 Financial Markets and Institutions
    BA 375 Fundamentals of Management
    PAD 205 Introduction to Public Administration
    PO 314 Public Administration and Politics
    PO 306 Data Analysis for Public Policy
    AN 318 American Indians
    GIS 2XX  GIS Databases
    Strongly Recommended Courses:
    MA 207 Elementary Statistics
    GIS 2X GIS Remote Sensing and Data Acquisition
    GIS 4XX  GIS Geospatial Data Analysis
    ENWR 305 Technical Writing

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