Bachelor of Social Work

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  • Course description
    The undergraduate social work program leads to a Bachelor of Social Work degree (B.S.W.), preparing students for generalist social work practice in the complex and varied social welfare and human services fields. Grounded in a rich and vigorous education in the liberal arts and sciences, the curriculum provides graduates with the professional knowledge, values, and skills needed to begin careers in social work. The curriculum emphasizes a generalist orientation, enabling graduates to practice their profession in a variety of areas. It also serves as preparation for master’s degree education for those graduates who wish to specialize further.

    Though freshmen and sophomores may declare social work as their major, the social work program actually begins in the junior year, building on General Education and additional distribution requirements in the arts and sciences. Freshmen and sophomores considering the social work major are invited to discuss their career objectives with the director of the undergraduate program. All students considering the major are welcome to participate in the ongoing activities of the Undergraduate Social Welfare Council. In addition to special projects, speakers, and social events, a peer support program is conducted by students and faculty. In the spring semester of the sophomore year, with the advice of the program director and faculty adviser, students apply to and are considered for admission to the social work program.

    Degree Requirements for the Bachelor of Social Work (B.S.W.) (120 credits)
    Students may declare social work as their major as freshmen or when transferring from another college. A formal application process for admission to the major is required of all students and must be processed by the undergraduate social work program located in the School of Social Work. Students enrolled in the University must apply in their sophomore year. Transfer students must first apply for admission to the University. Courses in the social work curriculum are generally taken beginning in the junior year and are one part of a cluster of required courses leading to the Bachelor of Social Work degree.

    To earn a B.S.W., students are required to complete 120 credits. Thirty-five credits are in the University’s General Education requirements; 45 in social welfare; 25 in liberal arts distribution requirements; and 15 in electives, which may be earned from liberal arts or social work courses. No social work course or liberal arts prerequisite credit is granted for life experience or previous work experience. Students with an Associate of Arts (A.A.) or Associate of Science (A.S.) degree from an accredited U.S. institution are exempt from the University’s General Education requirements. Other students, including those with an A.A.S. degree, must meet General Education requirements with an appropriate combination of specific transfer credits and courses taken at Adelphi. Admissions counselors can provide prospective students with additional details.

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