English as a Second Language (ESL)

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Comments about English as a Second Language (ESL) - At the institution - Los Angeles - California

  • Course description

    Located just 10 minutes north of Downtown Los Angeles, Shepherd University's School of English as a Secondary Language (ESL) accepts and prepares students of all levels of English ability, no matter where they are from or where they have learned English in the past. Our ESL School is uniquely designed with field trips and courses that offer the vocabulary you need to express yourself and pursue your goals in any English speaking environment – technical, professional, industrial, social, and academic.

     Our ESL program encompasses 4 comprehensive categories: Speaking, Reading, Writing and Listening broken down into 5 levels:

    • Beginner
    • High Beginner
    • Intermediate
    • High Intermediate
    • Advanced

    In addition, Shepherd University offers three elective courses to help students focus on what they need to improve most to grow as an American English language learner:

    • Conversation
    • Speaking and Writing
    • Learning at Your Own Pace (LYOP)

     The ESL program works to maximize linguistic and cultural comprehension while minimizing learning time. In order to do so, we provide you – new and developing English language learners – with the highest quality instruction and lots of chances for personal and social growth.

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