Executive M.B.A. Program

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Comments about Executive M.B.A. Program - At the institution - Rochester - NY - New York

  • Course description
    The Simon School’s approach to management education incorporates a balance between the theoretical and the practical. This balance sets it apart from all other such business programs. Simon students learn to seek creative approaches to solving complex business problems while providing a firm analytical base for making strategic choices.

    In the Executive M.B.A. Program students learn to understand the complexities of business in the twenty-first century. Policy is not made within a vacuum; deals are not brokered in isolation. Through study, analysis and hands-on problem solving, students develop a portfolio of tools that can be applied to a myriad of circumstances.

    Class discussions and projects focus on real-world examples, with an emphasis on immediate application to the workplace. The methods of analysis we teach give our graduates the confidence and skills to set the pace and chart the direction of management change.

    The Executive M.B.A. program’s high-quality, evenly-paced instruction is shaped to minimize unwelcome impact on career and family life. The Executive Program Office handles details such as parking permits, meals, books, laptop and software, registration and other administrative tasks.

    The Executive M.B.A. coursework focuses on core disciplines. The 15 required courses are sequenced and integrated to provide the tools needed for each subsequent course throughout the program.

    Executive M.B.A. students will take two elective courses in addition to the required courses. These elective courses will give students the opportunity to pursue a specialization (e.g., marketing, strategy, finance, operations, heath sciences management) or to take a variety of diverse courses.

    Reward Yourself

    The return in investment in the Simon Executive Program can be significant, as proven business skills and tools can be applied to your job immediately.

        * Increase your ability to analyze complex situations and make tough decisions.
        * Deepen your understanding of all business functions.
        * Gain confidence to lead a team and tackle additional responsibilities.
        * Expand your professional network

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