M.A. in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages

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Comments about M.A. in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages - At the institution - Monterey - CA - California

  • Course description
    Masters in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages - TESOL

    The MATESOL degree program is distinguished for its solid foundation in the fields of linguistics, language pedagogy and applied linguistics research. Students receive training in a broad range of topics important to the development of language education professionals.

    This 37-degree unit program and can be completed in three to four academic semesters with the typical course load of 12-13 credits/semester. Students may also elect to pursue one of the certificate options in conjunction with their MATESOL coursework: Language Program Administration (LPA), Computer-Assisted Language Learning (CALL) or Teaching Foreign Language (TFL).

    Our faculty and alumni serve as leaders on local, national or the international TESOL organization boards and committees, in addition to their full time work as instructors, administrators, language assessment professionals.The MATESOL program also successfully prepares individuals for doctoral studies. Many alumni have attained a doctoral degree or are currently enrolled in doctoral programs at such prestigious institutions as Harvard, Oxford University and Georgetown.

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