Master of Arts in Education - Curriculum and Instruction - Online

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Comments about Master of Arts in Education - Curriculum and Instruction - Online

  • Course description
    Curriculum and Instruction (available via OU online)

    The concentration in curriculum and instruction is a curriculum-based program designed to combine excellence in instructional methodologies used in education with foundation coursework that focuses on the at-risk student in the mainstream. An integration of personal and group motivational techniques and theories in organizational management, along with a summary of legal issues in education introduces the student to innovative, applied models of instruction.

    Foundation Courses - all foundation courses are required
    15 semester credit hours

        * EDF 7103  Philosophy, Accountability and Change (3 cr hrs)
        * EDF 7203  Diverse Community of Learners (3 cr hrs)
        * EDF 7303  Leadership and Management of Change (3 cr hrs)
        * EDF 7163  Research: Assessment and Evaluation (taken at the end of the program prior to the Master's Research Project) (3 cr hrs)
        * EDF 8503  Master's Research Project (3 cr hrs)

    Concentration Courses - all concentration courses are required
    21 semester credit hours

        * EDC 7291  Differentiated Instruction (3 cr hrs)
        * EDC 7295  Theory and Practice of Curriculum Development (3 cr hrs)
        * EDC 7297  Curriculum Evaluation (3 cr hrs)
        * EDC 7299  Curriculum Design and Content Standards (3 cr hrs)
        * EDC 7153  Education Law (3 cr hrs)
        * EDC 7172  Special Education Law (3 cr hrs)
        * EDC 8323  Survey of Special Education (3 cr hrs)

    Elective Courses

        * EDC 7813  Structured English Immersion for ELL (SEI II - 3 cr hrs)
        * EDC 7753  Structured English Immersion for ELL (SEI III - 3 cr hrs)

    SEI II and III must be taken before certification unless you have completed state requirements for SEI.
    36 semester credit hours

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