After completing all core requirements, concentration, and electives, the student is eligible to enroll in HIST699, Capstone Seminar in History. This capstone seminar option includes a thesis, or a major research project or paper in lieu of the final comprehensive examination, which has no credit hours. Those who elect this option may reduce their electives by three semester hours to accommodate the seminar option credit. This option is desirable for those students who wish to focus on specific subject matter of an interdisciplinary nature or who would like to continue their education at a higher level.
In addition to the institutional and degree level learning outcomes objectives, the Master of Arts in History also seeks the following specific learning outcomes of its graduates. With reference to each of the respective areas of history, graduates in this degree program will be able to:
* Appraise different approaches to history and historical method in order to evaluate and propose a specific methodology for a particular project.
* Define, classify, and articulate in oral or written form the major trends, events, and people that have shaped world history, and evaluate them in context by comparison and contrast.
* Define, classify, and articulate in oral or written form the major trends, events, and people that have shaped Ancient, European, American, and Global history, and evaluate them in context by comparison or contrast.
* Examine, analyze, and evaluate at least one specialized historical sub-discipline.
* Synthesize historical issues into a coherent and comprehensive paradigm of the human condition.
* Analyze data, information, and concepts pertinent to various methodologies of historical research.
* Create an historical research proposal in which data, information, and concepts can be evaluated and synthesized.
Course description
The Master of Arts in History provides its students with an exhaustive array of opportunities to pursue the world’s great personalities, events, nations, trends, periods, conflicts, and markings of progress. The Master of Arts History major has recently been re-designed to best suit your professional aspirations and interests. The new major ensures that you will learn about the "big picture" through exposure to four historical perspectives or concentrations in Ancient and Classical, American, European, and Global History, while allowing you to tailor the major to your individual needs during graduate study.