Master of Public Health

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Comments about Master of Public Health - At the institution - Charles Town - West Virginia

  • Objectives
    The MPH faculty, students and staff are committed to the over-arching principles of respect for the dignity and worth of people regardless of gender, race, religious or ethnic affiliations, or social standing. Program values are reflected in:

    * Advancing community-based learning, community-based research, and community-based service
    * Strengthening academic-community partnerships
    * Infusing core competencies into courses and other learning experiences
    * Providing the knowledge and skills necessary to develop and foster leaders that will promote the health of the public
    * Fostering professional diversity to meet the changing public health needs of a diverse and dynamic public
    * Emphasizing moral and ethical precepts that underlie goals of the public health profession.
  • Course description
    The mission of the Master of Public Health Degree Program is to enhance the health of the public through educational and leadership development of the public health work force, and through academic-community partnerships dedicated to both community-based research and service that will enhance human health. The Master of Public Health degree is designed to provide a professionally focused understanding of public health issues in America and abroad, to include the science, psychology, and sociology associated with public health issues. Students will study public health law, policy, and administration associate with the effective and efficient administration of public health. They will learn the health system, its management, finances, and structure. Students in the program are typically interested in some aspect of the health system, concerned about the public health situation in the United States and/or abroad, or are generally interested scholars who seek a public-minded degree. Inclusion of the concentration cores will create uniquely skilled public health professionals who could provide service to the public health community in these vital areas.

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