Course description
The Winterthur/University of Delaware Program in Art Conservation (WUDPAC) is a Masters-level Program jointly sponsored by the University of Delaware and Winterthur Museum & Country Estate. It is a three-year course leading to a Master of Science in Art Conservation. The curriculum is designed to educate and train conservation professionals who can carry out the examination, analysis, stabilization and treatment of art and artifacts, speak to general principles of collection care, and have a broad academic background in science and the humanities.
Faculty and students use twenty-six well-equipped conservation studios, laboratories, examination rooms and workshops in the Louis du Pont Crownishield Research Building at Winterthur . This building houses one of the country’s largest and best-equipped museum analytical laboratories and conservation studios. Winterthur is recognized as having a comprehensive collection of early American art - domestic, architecture, furniture, textiles, silver, pewter, ceramics, glass, paintings, and prints. The University of Delaware houses art studios for reconstructing historic techniques, science laboratories, a conservation laboratory and administrative offices.